The REAL secret to happiness - better than the Rhonda Byrne’s secret - Christian Talk

The REAL secret to happiness - better than the Rhonda Byrne’s secret - Christian Talk

You ever hear about a rich house wife who is able to take baths in French champagne and yet hates her marriage and attempts suicide?

How many times have you seen a hard working mother with 3-6 kids who does nothing other than change diapers and breastfeed all day long yet she’s bursting with joy?

How many times has a woman become miserable and depressed while having the apartment and the car and the parties and the clothes and the lobster tail dinners every night?

Don’t ask me why it works. I can’t answer because I’m not a neuroscientist or psychologist or doctor but I know that it does.

The secret to happiness is service.

Having people serve you does not make you happy.

Having money serve you does not make you happy.

Having achievements serve you does not make you happy.

Having beauty serve you does not make you happy.

And having intelligence serve you does not make you happy.

True happiness AND health come from service to vocation, to job, to duty, to status, to family, to friends, to God, to society and to the house of worship.

It is only by getting lost in selfless and sacrificial service, that one can be truly happy.

This is the real secret to happiness.

The REAL secret to happiness - better than the Rhonda Byrne’s secret - Christian Talk
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