Forgiving and Loving again after Infidelity

I already know I’m up against a lot of people who will not agree with me here, but for those who are in positions of trying to get past the hurt of a cheating partner, who still feel love for them and want to make it work, there are ways to try to move on.

Forgiving and Loving again after Infidelity

If you’re in a relationship with a partner who cheated on you, yet you still feel attraction and love for them, and you are confused whether or not you should stay, these are just my opinions only – and this myTake is not to be taken as anything other than that.

Here are things to consider:

1. The cheating was not about you. Nor was it about the third wheel. Most times, someone’s own insecurities about themselves or the relationship will be the reason why they’ve strayed. If you talk to your partner to find clues about their past, finding indicators that they’ve rarely been happy, you’ll realize the tendency started long before you.

2. Try to look at it as a mistake rather than love and feelings for someone else. If your partner is insisting that they did not love the other person, and they want to make it work with you, it’s okay to review your relationship and decide if you’ll end it, carry on, or move on with stipulations. If you choose to carry on, consider moving on with stipulations to stop ill feelings, bad habits, or anything between you both that triggered the behaviour. Carrying on without identifying the problems may lead to more later.

Forgiving and Loving again after Infidelity

3. Switch your mentality to “from this moment on”. If you decide to stay, leave your old relationship behind, and start anew with your partner. Things that led to the cheating are over, and you can take a fresh new page to turn over together. Be a new couple together, doing things together you might not have done before. Maybe decide to go on a trip, change residences, or whatever it takes to air out the old and allow a fresh start. Even if you do something simple like change where the bed is in the bedroom, just making a new change to start over might have you physically look around you and feel differently.

4. If you really do love them, forgive them. Forgiving is a tricky move that only you will understand once you feel it. It’s for you to use as a tool to let go so you no longer carry around the pain. If you continue the relationship with hard feelings and constant battles about the mistake made, you’re not being fair to yourself. The attitude to always punish the other person, or to make them feel bad every single day is not worth having a relationship with. Happiness cannot be found. It has to be created.

5. Don’t rush your decision. It’s perfectly acceptable to give it time to think it over. You don’t even need to give timelines or ultimatums. You have been hurt, and only you can decide how long it will take to sort your feelings out. A loving partner should be able to say, “take the time you need”. If they love you, they will be patiently by your side as you go through this. It won’t be instant, but it shouldn’t take a year either.

Forgiving and Loving again after Infidelity

As many know, I’m a believer in second chances, and think that we’re all capable of making mistakes, whether it’s cheating or something else. No one says you must consider taking someone back after cheating, but if you do because you still feel love for them, sometimes these awful mistakes are things that make couples stronger. I speak from experience.

Forgiving and Loving again after Infidelity
Post Opinion