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My Dream Man... The Man I Would Marry


I know what you’re thinking…this is gonna be another cliche list of unattainable traits and in my defence I’m going to argue that yes…you may be correct.

I’m also going to argue that I am a bored 23-year-old girl stuck at home in lockdown and that I believe in the power of manifestation. So here goes my list, and read it at your own risk ;)

1. A Sense of Humour
I want a man who can be goofy at the right times. Who can make me laugh when I’m feeling down. A man who can challenge me and we’ll never get bored of being around each other.

2. Successful

I want a man who's got his own thing going for him. He’d have his own ambitions and passions, and he’d be hardworking and disciplined.

My success won't bother him and we'd push each other to be the best versions of ourselves. He’ll inspire me (as will I), and together we will build an empire.

3. A Close Relationship with God

I want wake up every morning with my man and pray together; thanking God for another day, for allowing us to share our lives with each other, and for giving us all our blessings.

I want him to meet me and suggest we engage in celibacy because he believes that this way, God will bless the love we have for each other, our relationship and eventually our marriage. He will have a vision for marriage to be the ultimate goal.

FYI I am not necessarily against premarital sex, but a man with that kind of mindset is incredibly attractive.

4. Respectful

Picture this, we’d be out having dinner and the waiter would get an our order wrong. He would politely smile at him and say, “I am sorry, but I don’t think you got my order. Could you please get me XY”.

He would treat everyone with respect and abstain from gossip or bad talk. I will always be proud to be by his side and he will always treat me with respect, even at the worst of times. He will be gentle with my feelings, listen to what I have to say and communicate in a mature and understanding way.

5. A Passionate Lover

You can define ‘passionate’ in whatever way you want to ;)

But this is a really important aspect for me and I can never be with someone who won’t be passionate with me. I want him to be physically passionate (and very adventurous under the sheets ;)), as well as pay attention to my feelings and needs.

6. Fit and Healthy

I want him to work out and be muscular. He will also commit to a healthy lifestyle and diet, and abstain from any smoking and excess drinking.

Before anyone says anything - I am myself fit and healthy, so I have every right to wish the same in a partner.

My Dream Man... The Man I Would Marry

All in all, I would like a life partner to share everything with, my successes and even my failures. We will always take care of each other and look forward to coming home to each other. Cuddling on our coach and watching TV together would be the part I look forward to the most every day.

I want to cook his favourite meals in his favourite lingerie sets and make sure he comes to a well-kept, cosy home.

I want us to inspire each other and be the ultimate power couple.

Together, we will accomplish everything.

My Dream Man... The Man I Would Marry
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