Letting go of women and relationships forever; they're a false dream


MyTake #49

I asked women on here a poll about height at the request of a friend on here, as she wanted me to see how accepting women are about height. The poll results were not good. Not enough women were accepting of the height I entered in. My height. To put to bluntly, the poll kinda proved I stood no f*cking chance of ever being accepted by modern women. Hell even the ones the voted positively still gave a sh*tty response in the comments, making their poll vote absolutely useless. The poll really hammered home that I really am undateable due to my handicap of inadequate sh*tty stature. In other words, I'm too short to date, and only a very few amount of women thought otherwise. It really was very depressing, but not surprising. The real world would be even harsher about this with even more negative results and more sh*tty backhanded complements about being useless due to my stature.

So my last hope that love still exists out there for men less than genetically perfect is gone now. The answer is definitively "F*CK NO!!!" So the big question is "What now?" I know there is no longer any hope left for a relationship, love, etc. Most women won't even accept a guy my height, let alone one that is less than perfect in all other categories. The general rule they say is "I'll accept a short guy if he's perfect in literally all other categories." Well, I'm not perfect in all other categories! I'm a genetic f*cking mess. So much so, I can't stand it. From small penis, to extra finger; you'd thing my mother smoke and drank while working day shifts at a nuclear power plant while pregnant with me. And I'll always DEPISE that as well, because I am stuck to be alone for the rest of my life because of sh*t completely 100% out of my control that I can do nothing about.

I've had a few years to get used to it. I gave up pursuing dating a few years ago, to work on myself. But after doing that height poll where a good 20% of women told me indirectly that men my height were inferior garbage and another 60% voted positively, but indirectly said men in that category were garbage, using different words, it just seems like wasting my time with such things is worthless.

There really is no hope left. That boggles my mind to think about. That the peak of my romantic chances were when I was 22 to 24, which was also simultaneously when I was at the most depressed and suicidal in my life and not really in any proper state to be dating anyone, to begin with. Now that I am more emotionally stable, I find out that I never stood a chance anyway being a f*cking short sh*t. The worst part of that poll? The women who voted that there was no chance in hell a guy my height was acceptable to them (as in, they didn't like short men), weren't even that tall! One bitch was 5'8" and I'm not even THAT small! She said how I was inferior garbage, but she's not even head and shoulders above me.

And the thing I hate other midget men saying is, how I should just settle for the bottom of the barrel like they do. They really think bribing ugly, unattractive, foul, horrible behaved women into pitying them is really some kind of "victory." That's what they all do. The majority of other midgets like me. That's not even love. I suppose I'd feel better about it, if I had my "fill" like most MGTOW guys do. Like, I had my moments of happiness and then was able to live the rest of my life single and impossible to get a quality partner who loves me for me. But I never even got that. The closest I got to someone loving me in my life died shortly before a year into our relationship and marriage. (And yes, I know a year is quick to get married; I don't care; I'm not the one who proposed, anyway.) So I came CLOSE to love, and still was denied it, due to premature death.

There's just so many mixed emotions in my head. Anger (a LOT of that), sorrow, dejection, defeat, and many others. But again, I just keep thinking "Now what?" There's no future family in my life. I have a so-so job that I like, but can't see myself doing for the rest of my life. My existence seems to meaningless now that I have no one to share it with. I used to want to help change the world, but that too seems like an impossibility with how bad things have gotten since COVID. But that's a story for another day. I just needed to mourn the death of my love life, right here it now. It died stillbirth. Never even had a chance to come alive first.

Letting go of women and relationships forever; theyre a false dream
Letting go of women and relationships forever; they're a false dream
10 Opinion