My Life Part 2: A History Of Bad Love Part 2 of 2: a compromise on Faith

My life Part 2: a history of bad love Part 1 or 2My Life Part 2: A History Of Bad Love Part 2 of 2: a compromise on Faith

Interlude: After that last little ummm "fling" I guess we'll call it I had to really clear my mind. And by clearing my mind I mean abusing alcohol to forget. It was getting so bad that my managers had to tell me to go easy. When I asked what they mean they made the booze drinking motion. They said I wreaked of it and some of my friends were starting to notice changes in me. I wasn't really the same guy I had been for years and years. I began becoming very aggressive and argumentative over petty things. I started distancing myself more and more from in person interactions until the Friday nights when I would get hammered and high till the weekend ended.

I was at a party where my 1st girlfriend ended up being. It didn't go over well. I started getting really drunk around people I never met until that night and I was just lashing out at the world, at society for making a "culture of whores" I said as I looked over at my ex. She looked at me and knew how angry I was and she looked away back on the balcony trying to not engage with me. That's when some drunk out of their mind Russian foreign exchange students started engaging me. I guess because they saw the tension and wanted to defuse the situation. They ended up giving me some Russian Smokes, by the way WAAAAY better than the crap we got here. By nights end I was singing with these fools and that's about the last I remembered of that till I woke up the next day in an apartment of people speaking Russian and not knowing where the hell I was.

I'd imagine if I was a woman in this scenario I'd be absolutely terrified. But I was alive, sober, and towered over all these guys. When I woke up the one guy Yuri smiled and said, "He you're awake. You drank all my Jack man haha. We didn't know where you were putting it and you even swigged from Oleg (his friend's) vodka!" When I got up off the ground all the blood came hammering into my head and I felt like crap. I looked at the clock and realized I had work in less than an hour....just what I needed. A 9 hour shift after this and we were short staffed at work too. I knew it was going to be a hell of a day. Oleg drives me home but I remember struggling to get into and out of the car still woozy from the night before.

I had to quickly dress and get to work. No time to comb my hair, just barely time to brush my teeth, no shower (which really sucks because i like to feel super clean), no breakfast or money for any food that day so I just had to make the 4 mile walk and deal with whatever came my way. When I got into work to clock in the Assistant manager's eyes were wide as he looked at me and asked if I was alright. I greeted him and said I was fine but he said he couldn't have me working register because of how badly i smelled of alcohol so he had to have me work out back unloading pallets in the summer heat. On it's own that was nothing new for me but damn did I have a killer headache from all the booze and damn was it muggy that day.

My Life Part 2: A History Of Bad Love Part 2 of 2: a compromise on Faith

The Cousin: Some time passes that day and my ex said that there was someone at the front desk waiting for me. Apparently they had a new hire and the front end manager decided that I should be the one to train the new recruits since I was so personable with people and the whole damn community loved me. Well I met this young girl, 17, fair skin, curly black hair, hazel eyes, and some cute little freckles standing at 5'1". She introduced herself to me as Kristin. She was extremely shy and unsure of herself. But I immediately put her mind at ease as I don't like to be the one anyone gets nervous over due to who I am and my own issues.

For the next couple of weeks I trained her and showed her the ropes on everything and then reminded her again. I helped her with trash duty, clearing the parking lot, helping her figure out where different items were, and helping her with customers. One day I see my ex clocking in and I see Kristin go up to her and talking. They're laughing as I'm working the register. But they were over at the time clock for a good while for some reason. Both of them kept looking at me and smiling and I had no idea exactly what was going on other than they were clearly talking about me. Kristin walked up to my register to start bagging for me when the ex walks up behind me and whispers, "You two have fun now."

Now at this point I'm really damn confused. First off how did they know each other? Secondly why were they talking about me? And lastly why was my ex hinting or suggesting something that was clearly not going on......was there something going on? Nah I was just training her and teaching her the ropes. Kristin comes up to me and properly greets me after and asks how I was doing. We get to chatting and then I asked what the two of them were chatting about and she laughed and said, "nothing but you'll find out soon." I'm a little confused but I was just like okay. So a few more customers come through my line and we finish checking them out.

I guess she was waiting so i wouldn't make the connection to what she said next. She said, "So yeah next Saturday it's my birthday. Did you know that?" I said no and I was a bit confused. She added , "Yeah you know what that means don't you." I said, "Yeah that means you'll be 18. Awesome! So what are you doing? Got any plans?" She smiled and then whispered, "Just one." And so I asked her, "Cool so what is it?" And she giggled and got red in the face and said, "Oh you'll find out." Folks I am naive, I am dense, I am a certified fool around women, but I'm certainly not an idiot.

She actually looked a lot like this girl just with brown eyes
She actually looked a lot like this girl just with brown eyes

Nothing To Something: I can't say that I saw Kristin that way at the time but clearly she saw ME that way and I think that got me to just see where it went. What harm would there be? This girl literally liked me for me. She liked me after getting to know me and talk to me. she "the one"? So I decided that every time I interacted with Kristin it would be not to be friends but the intention of something more. The feelings this time didn't happen as fast. I think the first two relationships were a bit of an issue in my mind. But we continued to work together every day until she turned 18. She came in the next day all smiles and we both knew why.

She came over to my register and giggled. And I asked her why she was giggling. She got all red in the face and said, "Well you know I'm 18 today." I told her I knew. And she bit down on her lip and just tried to hold in laughter. A customer came through our line so we quickly tackled that big order. Then she asked, "So when are you going to ask me out?" And at this point she was blushing so bad and it was really attractive to see the red showing on that pretty pale face of hers with that cute smile. I just flat out said it, "Hey wanna go out with me?" And she's just hysterical at that point laughing, "Really? Just like that? No pick up line? No smooth moves?" I said, "Guess not." And she just laughed blood shot red in the face and said, "WOW, FINE!"

At this point Christmas was around the corner so I bought some nice things for Kristin. A Build-A-Bear, a Glass Unicorn, and a pear necklace.....yes I liked to spoil the girls I was with even though I couldnt afford to....I basically dropped like 2.5 weeks of paid work time for her and I thought such things were expected of a guy tbh. She texts me and says she's got something for me for Christmas and that she's going to stop by to drop it off for me when I'm in the break room. So I get up there and let her know and she comes up with a paper plate filled with M&M cookies, a personal favorite of mine I might add. She apologized as she had never baked before and I was her first boyfriend.

I told her it was no worries and grabbed a cookie out and ate it in front of her and told her it was the best cookie I've ever had (honestly it was the most horrid cookie I'd ever eaten with burned black spots on the bottom but I'm not telling this sweet thing that). I then told her I too had something for her in my locker and I was going to get it out. She lit up and was really happy that I thought of her too in advanced. I bring out this large Mall Bag and she's a little shocked because i guess the bad was so big.

I bring it over to her and just apologized in advanced for it maybe not being enough. She said any gift was good enough and it was the thought that counted. I told her to open the bag and she did. She laughed as she pulled out a teddy bear that i had customized for her. "She laughed, awww it's so cute and soft! I LOVE it, thank you!" I told her that she was welcome but that there were other things in the bag. The next thing she pulled out was the glass Unicorn. She was so speechless. It was made of see-through glass, lots of detail in the etching and the hair on the horse's neck had gold paint running down the tips of the hair. It was about a 7" statue and the Unicorn was on it's hind legs on like a rock or platform, it was really cool. She asked me how much it was and I said not to worry about it (think it ran me about $75).

I then told her she had one more present. But to this she said, "No." I asked her what she meant. She said I had already done more than enough. I told her she was my girl so I had to make sure I did something extra special for her. She reluctantly and slowly reached into the bag to pull out a black box. She opened it slowly and the box revealed a pearl necklace. Her jaw dropped and she didn't know what to say for a moment. And then she asked why I bought her all this. And I said again she was my girl and i wanted to make her Christmas awesome. But she shook her head saying she only gave me a batch of burnt cookies and felt horrible about it now.

I just told her to let it go, I just wanted to prove that I cared about her. She accepted it and then gave me a deep and passionate kiss and stayed with me for about 20 more minutes before my break was up. We got up and she told me to "Come here" and she used her finger too. Because I was so much taller than her but it was so cute and I smiled and bent down to kiss her. She pulled me in to a big kiss ( I didn't know little girls could be that strong honestly). And she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a deep hug. Then she wished me a Merry Christmas and said goodbye. I went back to work and finished my day feeling accomplished. I got show the girl I was with that I appreciated her and it felt really good inside too.

I spent the holiday at home with my dad. He made green bean casserole, stuffing, and turkey for Christmas. We usually tried to stick to the turkey because it isn't processed and had less sodium. He would get that sucker crispy too! Nice and brown with the goya on the skin and then butter melted over top of it, SO GOOD! When I got back to work a few days later the ex was waiting for me outside. She stopped me and asked how i was doing. I said I was doing good but that I had to go clock in before I was late. She told me she talked to Kristin. I then asked why they were always so chummy and she laughed and said, "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you she's me little cousin." Well....this just got a whole lot more complicated.....

My Life Part 2: A History Of Bad Love Part 2 of 2: a compromise on Faith

Different face, same games: As time went on we talked a bit less as our schedules kind of conflicted and because we were seeing each other so much at work we only went out rarely. But it was a mutually agreed upon arrangement. She came over to my place one night and we spent time cuddled up and bonding watching Disney movies, that's something she just loved. She was okay with me not wanting to have sex before marriage even though she herself was Wiccan and not a virgin herself. She respected my faith and admired my convictions, at least this was what she would tell me. She's the one who got me into the goth chick/witch look too on women too. Nowadays a huge turn on/bonus ngl.

As we watched the movies cuddled up on my bed we just talked. We would whisper into each others' ears about how much we loved each other. Kristin herself was a troubled girl. She eventually started opening up more about how her father was a depressed drunk and that he died in a car accident while her mother was pregnant with her brother. She talked about how hard it was for her not having a father in her life and how aside from her bestie and her German Shepard she only felt she could be fully vulnerable with me. She turned her head to look at me and I looked into her eyes and she gave me a very deep and passionate kiss. She started calling me her "Italian Man". She would always tell me I had such beautiful eyes and hair and she loved my broad shoulders. She made me feel really good about myself, first girl to do that. Too bad it wasn't to last and she would hurt me all over again.

A few weeks pass and while everything is "fine" we weren't talking on a daily basis anymore like we used to be. She said it was because the state testing was coming up and she needed to study so I agreed to give her the space she needed. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for her she had a friend with her in school that she never told about me. So when I went on facebook one day to go message her I noticed 2 pictures of Kristin. One was with another male student where she was sitting on his lap and they were taking the pic together. The other was his arms wrapped around her from behind and kissing her on the cheek. We all know where this is going don't we?

My Life Part 2: A History Of Bad Love Part 2 of 2: a compromise on Faith

A New Type Of Twisted: My heart broke a second time and somehow it was strange because this was a girl that I GREW to love over time. I never experienced that before. Usually I just fall fast for women but this time I had to really think about the relationship before and after it started. She would pull this stunt and not only that but come to find out she had this guy as a fling and she had 2 other "committed relationships" she was now in....with different guys.....who all knew each other but had NO IDEA we were all dating....the same person.

Eventually the truth revealed itself. Unlike the other girls she wasn't honest about anything. She even tried to deny it until the proof surfaced. She had been emotionally and sexually manipulating FOUR different men at the same time. All so she could get her variety of personality and validation. Her cousin, my Ex...OF COURSE she tried to make me take her back. Trying to say because she didn't have a father figure she was just confused and to give her a chance. We did eventually reconnect years later but that's not a subject for this post. Stay tuned for Part 3 to find out how that ended up working out for me.....

My Life Part 2: A History Of Bad Love Part 2 of 2: a compromise on Faith
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