What is more important than beauty in attraction

What is more important than beauty in attraction

I find that having good mental and social health is more important than having good looks when it comes to finding a good and high quality partner. A woman with low self esteem will almost always end up with an abuser instead of a loving and gracious partner because the process of dating Involves a woman signalling to prospective mates that she loves and values herself and will not settle for cheating or abuse. She must show her suitor that her morals trump all other concerns so that her boyfriend or future husband will know if he wants to be abusive he should leave because she won’t accept that.

I know rich woman who married abusers and very pretty woman who dated abusers. I also know ugly woman who married loyal and devoted men and I know poor woman who married amazing lovers that cherish and honour them. In the end, your personality determines your odds. I’m not saying that good people cannot mismatch with bad people in an unintentional accident. Or that bad people cannot dupe good people into dating them, but your odds of a good relationship are higher when you have love and respect, for yourself, for your job, for your friends, and for others.

What is more important than beauty in attraction
Post Opinion