The Universal Need To Be Loved

Would you say it's true that we all need to be loved?

There are seven basic emotional needs that are essential to creating a truly loving and emotionally supportive relationship: love, caring, understanding, respect, appreciation, acceptance, and trust. All of these attitudes are present to various degrees when a person feels emotionally supported.

Positive sentiments like fulfillment, peace, happiness, gratitude, satisfaction, excitement, and confidence are automatically generated when we are able to fulfill our primary emotional needs.

  • Love is a connecting, uniting, sharing, or joining attitude.

  • A caring attitude acknowledges one's felt responsibility to respond to the needs of another.

  • An understanding attitude validates the meaning of a statement, feeling, or situation

  • A respectful attitude acknowledges another person's right, wishes, and needs.

  • An appreciative attitude acknowledges the value of another's efforts or behavior.

  • An accepting attitude acknowledges that another being or behavior is received willingly. It does not reject, but rather affirms that the other person is being favorably received.

  • A trusting attitude acknowledges the positive qualities of another character, such as honesty, integrity, reliability, justice and sincerity. When trust is absent, people commonly jump to negative and wrong conclusions regarding a person's intent.

Gogus olculeri
I have read many of the questions posted by both females and males. It occurred to me that many people are not getting their emotional needs met by their partners. It is disheartening that so many people don't understand what it means to be in a relationship. It would seem that the relationship is based on sex or how often he/she calls or doesn't call.

As a society are we that simple minded to think that sex and being acknowledged by multiple phone calls is how we can figure out whether or not the person is interested or if he/she in facts loves you?

Love is the only emotional need that is equal between men and woman. However; the rest of the emotional needs that I mentioned, respect, appreciation, understanding and so forth vary between sexes.

Woman and men are different and we all need to accept that fact if we are to understand, respect, appreciate and trust one another.

Woman will sometimes do for a man what she would like done for her and when she doesn't get the response she was looking for she is confused.

Men on the other will accept that a woman can handle a problem on her own. She, however, interprets this as abandonment and rejection. She feel greatly uncared for.

Because when we don't understand our differences we fail to support one another.

We all need to learn to accept that Men are from Mars and Woman are from Venus and when we can do that fully we will all start having our seven emotional needs met.

I highly recommend that everyone take the time to read at least one of Author John Grays books. He is very good at explaining the differences between men and woman.

The Universal Need To Be Loved
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