Touching to a woman - Love 💕 Feeling or Passion.

Touching to a woman - Love 💕 Feeling or Passion.

Touching a woman is also an art, a woman knows how to distinguish a touch. She knows that she is touched with love, touched with feeling, touched with passion. A woman does not forget any touch. Touch the body in the dark, touch the body with force in the bus. The kind of touch Only such feelings are awakened by a woman. Whoever touched the man in such a way that his sleeping feelings were awakened, that the power of resistance in the body was lost, but he himself started meeting to awaken those feelings in a better way. That feeling, those moments always stay with a woman.

They cannot forget. Even after years someone else will touch, even then that touch will run like lightning in the mind. The touch will be someone else. The face will run into someone else's mind. That's why I say that the union of a man and a woman is not just a union of bodies, but a union of our old experiences, our old relationships, and the raw feelings that come out of them. So these feelings are not for a few moments or minutes. They are long lasting. A long game, a night, of foxes.

It also happens to a woman that when she goes beyond the thirtieth year, children are born, the responsibility shifts from the husband to the children. At such a time, many people think that now that they have children, the love they had in the first years of marriage is no longer needed. The mischief, the time saved for each other is no longer necessary. It also seems that the wife was busy with the child. Perhaps all that is no longer needed. Due to which husband and wife meet only for family. But it doesn't happen. In fact, as a woman goes beyond the age of 30, the initial haste and hesitation starts to decrease. More time is needed now to awaken his senses. It is important to make time for the children by being busy with work. Take long moments where there is time for both. This is the time to enjoy new touches and find new ways. So don't ever forget to push your partner away after having children or thinking that you are no longer young. This is one of the main reasons for many extramarital affairs.

This is the time to actually take it before old age when everything is out of the senses. So these feelings should never end. Nor would the front know that it was over in such a short time. Or it seems like it just started and ended. A woman with a golden dream in her youth is disturbed by tribalism at this age. Life seems dull. These are the moments when she can let go of this dullness. The longer these moments pass, the calmer his mind will be. Otherwise, fights, tensions and more. It's wrong to boil it down to just a few minutes of play.

As I said above, with what feeling these moments are passing. The woman knows this. understands So it should be really full of love. It actually refers to the understanding of one spouse with the other that grows over time, not just sustenance.

Touching to a woman - Love 💕 Feeling or Passion.
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