4 lies we need to stop telling ourselves at the start of a relationship

1. Our big differences will balance us out

While there should be some differences, the big important ones that put you on opposite ends of the spectrum will probably break you up and create ton of tension.

2. I can change them even if they don't want to change

You can't and if you do somehow change them when they don't want to change, they'll likely resent you for it. You're better off being single and finding someone who's already made the change you're looking for.

3. It's going to get better

If you have to soothe yourself at the start because things keep going sideways, odds are that won't change and in fact will likely get worse. Just consider moving on quickly so you don't get more attached.

4. I'll never find someone like this again

We can't confirm this. It's dangerous to put someone up on a pedestal like that because you're likely falling in love with the idea of them which always leads to a big letdown.

4 lies we need to stop telling ourselves at the start of a relationship
4 lies we need to stop telling ourselves at the start of a relationship
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