The truth is far better than the most beautiful of lies

The truth is far better than the most beautiful of lies

Honesty in my opinion is always the best policy for ninety five percent of all matters, especially dealing with matters of the heart. Obviously, if you're dealing with a life or death situation there are exceptions.

A lie is a deliberate attempt, by commission or omission, to deceive. If I tell you something that I know is not true, that's a lie. A lie of misdirection is also a lie and a lie of omission is also a lie.

There's quite a few people that advocate for lying to your partner about your infidelity, you not being interested in marriage and various other things. Their reasoning is to "protect" the feelings of the other person involved or that the other person will resort to violence after being told. It's far better to not even get that far along in the first with the former and to just spare them later hardship.

If you're dissatisfied with your relationship, tell your partner, explain why. Don't assume that they're mind readers or that they don't deserve to know or that it will hurt them. Even if it will hurt them, the only person you're really sparing is yourself.

A clever person solves a problem, a wise person avoids it - Albert Einstein

In that situation, you have the chance to remedy whatever problem you're dealing with by being upfront with your partner as opposed to having sex with someone else to indulge yourself and still lie to yourself that you love them. Honesty, however harsh is an act of love while lying to them is simply defending yourself in the guise of love.

In most cases, honesty is the best policy, but it must be applied with diplomacy and tact. A little white lie that hurts no one might be okay, in the case of not bringing it up to an old lady that her pie that she made for is too salty and thus inedible, unless she's the type that's open to criticism.

That's when it depends on the situation.

Telling lies usually consists of remembering the details of the lie, and then adding more to support it, then you have to remember the original lie and everything else. Better to be truthful.

So there's a famous saying, the “Truth is always bitter”. You never know how someone is going to take it when I confronted with the truth. Sometimes you even start hating yourself. Remember, it's not telling them the truth that's the problem. It's their inability to handle that, you don't want to marry them or that you're dissatisfied in the relationship or that their ass is big and you like it that way.

You have the power with your voice to articulate yourself now, to tell your partner or parents or someone tactfully on what's on your mind if there's a problem, rather than to hide it or seek out someone else. That's the real pain, especially when they hear it from someone else.

The truth is far better than the most beautiful of lies
18 Opinion