Balancing high school and life 101



They're going to be your rock through out school and the best ones will stick around for years to come. Being popular seem to be a crucial part of the high school experience but in actuality it really doesn't matter. Keeping a average group of close friends will make you feel much more connected than a huge crowd of acquaintances. Its also a simple way to avoid drama.


Homework is the biggest pain in the butt. No one likes it. Everyone thinks that they have more important thing to do like shopping or clearing that stage of the best video games. Its easiest to manage homework by (shocker) DOING IT. Like what I've done is finish class work as quickly as possible to get a jump start on the homework assignment. A plus side is that if you get stuck on something your teacher is still there to ask questions. This is also a great way to get started with college cause that's when its all on you.


Dating seems so important in this generation. The cutest couple or longest relationship...but it really isn't as necessary as some would make it seem. If you wanna date its fine but remember its not a do or die thing. A lot of relationships in high school have a lot of complications from the fact that both people are young and still realizing who they are for themselves. Also, dating doesn't mean bf/gf status. Dating is just that, dating. Hanging out alone with someone that you think could be compatible with. It's fine to date around. It actually can open your eyes to new people and new experiences.


They can be annoying, nagging, frustrating and so many other things. But at the end of the day they live with you and without them you wouldn't be there. Don't let hormones get in the way of one of the best relationships you can have. My parents and I have never been close but me and my grandmother were the best of friends, I thank her everyday for what she has done for me and for raising me to be who I am. We can all do a good thing and thank the people who made us who we are.


We all have a few teachers we don't like. At all. The ones we fantasize about getting some terrible disease and blessing us with a substitute. In fact I didn't really have to experience this since teachers usually liked me fairly well. But this one teacher in particular really rubbed me the wrong way. The bed thing that helped me? I talked to him about it. I told him I didn't like the way he down talked me or my fellow classmates in a offensive way in front of the whole class. Normally it works out fine and it did for me.

Balancing high school and life 101

The most important thing to work on would be to put yourself first and learn to step down when necessary. You want to become the best you possible? Gotta learn some things the hard way first.

Balancing high school and life 101
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