The Perks of Being in High School

The Perks of Being a High School Student

The Perks of Being in High School

Reasons to hate high school often flood the internet and amongst students. It's not uncanny to see "I hate high school" rants all over the place. I've decided to why not mix things up and list reasons that may or may not already obvious to why high schoolers shoud enjoy their time in high school and why younger people should look forward to it. High School isn't that bad.

1) Freedom

The Perks of Being in High School

For those of you middle schoolers out there, with high school comes more freedom. In most cases, parents become more lenient when it comes to letting you go out. You get to go to parties which can be great. Teachers also don't enforce rules as often and can be more lenient and accepting when it comes to personal items in the class.

2) Friends

The Perks of Being in High School

When you're in high school, you can make friends of life time. You meet so many new people, and even though there are going to be a lot you dislike, some of them can end up being your best friends, giving you the best experiences you might ever have.

3) Learning

The Perks of Being in High School

In high school, if you stay on tract, you're most likely going to be able to take at least one class that you like. You'll get to learn about something spectacular in classes like astronomy, film, sculpting, etc. The possibilities are endless. Even though you might not like doing schoolwork, you're bound to come out a bit smarter than you were (unless you just indulged in all the wrong things).

4) Opportunity

The Perks of Being in High School

Like college, when you're in high school, many opportunities open. You get opportunities like traveling abroad, graduating with degrees and licenses, interning, making an impact on your community with your peers, etc.

5) Clubs & Events

The Perks of Being in High School

I know not everyone is a social butterfly or likes being surrounded by people, but high school can really help get you out of your shell. Most high schools offer at least a few clubs and extra curricular actives to get students to interact with people who have common interests. For me personally, gamers club, science club, student council, etc were all worth it. Marching band also became life for me. Band is my passion and I met so many amazing people being a part of that organization. It also really helped me become more open and confident. Besides clubs, school events like dances, football games, pep rallies, etc can all be quite fun and great for bonding.


The Perks of Being in High School

Now, if you're a teenager, or just a part of the human species in general, your hormones are probably always raging. I don't know about you but 'BAE watching' can be quite fun. If you weren't completely unlucky, at least one of the students in your school is a hottie, and with high school, you get to secretly look at them whenever. In high school, you can pretty much stare at all the cuties all you want. You can do that in real life outside of high school too, but whenever you're feeling down in class, just turn your head to the nearest cutie and fantasize about them.

7) NO BILLS !!!

The Perks of Being in High School

Are you still moping? Well don't forget that you don't have to have a real job yet and you don't have to pay a bunch of bills like insurance, water, electric, phone, and any other utility / home bill that your parents work their asses off to pay for you. If you've been emanciapted or have to work then much respect, but too many teens don't even realize how privaledged they are at the moment, not having to worry about all the political / economic problems. Enjoy the free days you get kids if you do work becuse there probably won't be many after graduation unless your parents still pay for everythng.

8 ) Getting your driver's license

The Perks of Being in High School

Buckle up because you're finally old enough to legally drive! First comes your learners, then your full on driver's license. Once you make it to high school, you finally get to legally ride and with your friends to parties, the movies, go on road trips, etc. Cherish this new found treasure graced upon you for reaching the age of driving.

9) You grow as a person: GAINING EXPERIENCE

The Perks of Being in High School

At the end of the day, you gain experience in high school! It shapes a part of who you become as a person. With relationships, you get an idea of what you want to look for in a true partner and the kind of people out there. With friends, they shape how you treat others. Bullying in the end makes you stronger because "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". All the hard studying and prepping made you smarter and increased your worth ethic, etc. You also start finding who you are as a person and thinking about who you want to be and where you want to go in life. High school contributes to your life journey. Enjoy it!

10) It doesn't last forever: GRADUATION!

The Perks of Being in High School

For those who truly just hate high school, remember that it doesn't last forever. Through all the trials and tribulations, YOU MADE IT! You get to graduate and feel accomplished because you didn't let what you hated bring you down. You're stronger, smarter, and get to dress up and party just because you're not in school anymore and are considered an adult.

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. . . . . . . Thanks for reading myTake! . . . . . . .

The Perks of Being in High School


The Perks of Being in High School
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