Is persistence important to be happy?


Is persistence important to be happy?

Former US President Clinton's Secretary of State had a strong point. Apart from faith, nothing comes about without hard work.

So why does it matter to strive? Well why shouldn't it? Everything we do requires work/effort expended in some form or another.

but then to be contented in life at least to me requires every person does some work in that end, namely:

- Figure out what pisses you off/annoys you

Is persistence important to be happy?

This is the elemental step. If one has exam stress, then don't cram. If one has the cold, then rest, keep warm, etc. Understand the issue at hand, and then act accordingly. I know I was denied standard knowledge, so I'm finding out how all others got it. I know it was because their families and others in their community told them at whim, so I'm figuring out when/how they are told. The social norm/law was for all to get it, so I'm rectiyfing this anomaly.

- Find steps to get what you want

Is persistence important to be happy?

Once you've outlined the course, you have to figure out how to get what you want. this requires a basic plan, but then figure out what you have to give up in order to get it. I know that to get standard knowledge, I have to buck up, compete, hussle and make my mark. Others competed and got what they wanted, so I can do the same.

- Measure if you're getting what you want

Is persistence important to be happy?

In any plan, one has to measure to see what is required, or if the goal is in sight. If it's to lose weight, then weigh regularly. Check to see calorie/food intake, etc. for me, it's based on interactions. More people now say I'm on the ball, and I seem to get respect for being as such. Then once I get this full knowledge, I'll be in good stead to date and get a gf. I have other stuff/goals covered, but for me these are two principal of many goals I have on a regular basis.

- Once you've acheived your goal, celebrate!

Is persistence important to be happy?

Doesn't have to be anything big, but then go pat yourself on the back, and be proud of your achievement. Recently, I passed my degree, got praise for my social media business, and completed a four mile hike without much difficulty, so I booked a two hour Swedish massage at the local five star hotel.

So like everything else in life, it takes a proactive attitude, and a little persistence and determination. Anything can be done with a little graft and inspiration. :)

Is persistence important to be happy?
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