Crush Having Boyfriend Problems?

I don't know if you guys remember me, but I was SSLAG before, but yeah I'm back. A long time ago when I was still in school there was this girl in my class I kept having eye contact with, and I ended up crushing on her since 9/3/13, and despite her having a boyfriend who made her happy, you guys told me to at least let her know how I feel, but I never did. So now I graduated in June and we hugged and stuff and said our goodbyes and I thought I'd never see her again, but then in early July, I got kicked out and she said I could crash on her couch and stuff, and she said exactly "If you need anything like food or a place to stay, I got you dude. And if that guy keeps following you, tell him to fuck off because that's not cool. Be safe" . Now we've been in contact for awhile now, she even talked to her step dad about getting me a job and said I was her only real friend other than her boyfriend. She seemed like something was bothering her for awhile now so I said she could talk to me about anything, and she tells me her boyfriend keeps wanting her to change and he doesn't want to compromise or change anything about himself. Which is weird because I know her more than anyone and I don't see or know anything that he could possibly want to change about her. She still loves him, but has to act a certain way around him, and him making her happy was like the best and most hurtful thing for me to watch during school, but now he makes her feel like shit and that makes me the only other person for her to talk to. I'm not going to try and take advantage of this at all as someone who likes her, but I want to be there for her as a friend. Can anyone spread their wisdom on what I should or shouldn't do?
Crush Having Boyfriend Problems?
9 Opinion