Girls, Would You Feel Ok With Your Boyfriend Hanging Out With Women You Don't Know?

I am in a situation I am uncomfortable with. I'm just curious; if your boyfriend was going to dinner and having drinks with females you never met and have never been invited to meet, would you be bothered? What if he also seems to have an issue with you even asking who they are?

"They are old friends from high school" - but he and I went to the same high school so who is to say I don't know them, too? What is the secret? My now ex (broke up with him last night) went beyond defensive like I accused him of cheating - no - I want to know why if I'm his best friend since high school, why does he need them so bad? What is their friendship offering that mine is not? I'm not jealous of women and have no issue with him having these friends but is it too much to ask that I be invited or he at least tells me when he's meeting a friend that is is a woman? What are your thoughts? Mind you, he would freak if I did that - I don't even hang out with male friends no matter how long we were friends because he would give me hell for life. It seems like his friendships with them meant more to him - it hurts. We were supposed to move in together in a few months.
Girls, Would You Feel Ok With Your Boyfriend Hanging Out With Women You Don't Know?
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