Do you prefer a partner with looks or personality?

Do you prefer girls that are more attractive, or have a better personality? More and more Im starting to prefer personality over looks. The more attractive a girl is, the more bitchy, arrogant, and high standard they are, and the more likely to cheat. Attractive girls expect guys to drool over them whether there is mutual interest or not. They still want guys to beg for attention and offer nothing in return. Most of them are boring self worshipping hoe bags that are dumb and boring because all they have to do to get through life is suck dick. Meanwhile there are plenty of underappreciated girls that are humble, considerate, and less likely to cheat. I've deleted Instagram and unfollowed a lot of people on FB. Girls like that are toxic and they make me sick. On the other hand, unattractive guys are also usually humble, nicer, and more interesting since we spend more time learning, doing hobbies, and bettering ourselves, opposed to dickbags that think they're better than everyone else, and get where they are in life by being born privileged, with money, natural physique, natural skills, or cheating the system and being a criminal. More dominant males have to compete with other males, and thus usually end up becoming assholes in the process. Most attractive people become addicted and controlled by their lust and greed, and feed their desires while treating the rest of the world like shit. Fuck all of 'em.
I prefer personality over looks
I prefer looks over personality
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Do you prefer a partner with looks or personality?
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