Have you ever tried to be your partners therapist?

Imagine your partner says they're suffering from anxiety, every decision they make is first tested with so many questions and worries. They can't start anything new without really weighing up possible outcomes etc.
Would you take it upon yourself to start implementing techniques to combat their problems or would you suggest therapy?

I've mentioned in the past that my anxiety was actually due to people playing me.
My ex pretending a particular item was something else when it wasn't because I didn't know about it. We would have a disagreement or argument and he'd cut the call short only to make decisions on his own, not informing me and punishing me with silent treatment for not abiding by his 'rules' or decisions'. He used to push or try to manipulate me to do things I didn't want to regardless if I told him no.
All the while not compromising on his likes, wants and dislikes simply because he didn't want to be vulnerable.
So it didn't feel loving, it felt like bullying and very toxic.
I felt like I didn't have a voice or ownership over my personal wellbeing and life.
Which of course only made me more anxious.
Have you ever tried to be your partners therapist?
22 Opinion