How do you overcome relationship anxiety and also improving communication with your significant other?

This is my first relationship and I have been dating my boyfriend for about a year now and ever since I knew about his past it kind of gave me anxieties and fear on "what if" or "maybe" he would do that to me. Yes i agree that it is just my overthinking and I could just need to stop thinking too much but I still couldnt help and think about it.

My boyfriend has been pretty patient with me and also understanding and tries to reassure me but I really want to do this for myself.
And also how do you improve communication with your significant other? because me and my partner are quite bad in communicating with each other and recently I felt distant and abit left out.
What are the ways to communicate with my partner and also bringing up our problems without being too agressive about it?

PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME. I'm really lost and I dont have much experience in relationships so your advice and opinions do matter to me ><
How do you overcome relationship anxiety and also improving communication with your significant other?
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