Would you be annoyed about this?

My fiancée has loaned his parents money before to the amount of around £1200 to pay their mortgage when the dad has struggled because of work. He is a driving instructor and does earn good money but hey ho.
I use the term loan loosely because they’ve never paid him back and in the meantime, bought themselves a hot tub that was at least £300.

Literally two days before my fiancée and I were going on our first holiday together due to covid, he went to see his parents and his mum broke down in tears saying they were being taken to court because they e been in arrears that many times with their mortgage that the house could be repossessed. My fiancée came home and was crying telling me about it.

We are trying to save for a mortgage ourselves and both have debts from our education etc and now he has agreed to financially help his mum and dad out each month and I think it’s really unfair.

My fiancée has such a kind heart but his family are always taking advantage of him. My parents wouldn’t dream of asking me for money!! They have had their house for years and the dad has defaulted and still owes £55k it turns out.

I’ve said what I think but am I being unreasonable in telling my fiancée his parents need to sort out their own mess?
Would you be annoyed about this?
8 Opinion