I am interested in a coworker and we were talk’n and I ended up told her the truth about something that I am ashamed about. Do I still have a chance?


I ended up telling my coworker who I like, I had an affair who ended up being my girlfriend then she cheated on me with someone else. After telling my coworker who I like. I knew I fucked everything up and that I was an idiot on telling her so early while I was still trying to get to know her. We talked for a second the next day but she was rushed or rushing from me. I’ve been keeping my distance because I am ashamed. She doesn’t know the whole story. I was separated for 2 years living together in different bedrooms. I met someone at the park who was going through the same situation as me. We were being friends we only met at the park and supporting each. Things were not changed at home so I told my wife I wanted a divorce. While we were in the process of the divorce, I met up with my friend after work to talk and we started kissing and one thing led to another. When the divorce was final my friend became my girlfriend and then about 6 months she cheated on me and ghosted me. I went into therapy to help me not make mistakes I ended up walking out of my coworkers office with my head down because I knew I screwed things up with her. I did try to talk with her a day after that but I could tell she was in a rush or rushing away from me. I’ve been wanting to talk to her or trying to explain what happened but all I have been doing is keeping my distance from her. A friend of mine told me to ask her out for coffee or something and when he talk only ask questions about her and not about me. What do I do?

I am interested in a coworker and we were talk’n and I ended up told her the truth about something that I am ashamed about. Do I still have a chance?
4 Opinion