Being Worthy of Affection?

Hello boys and girls! So today I’m writing you all asking for help. I’m not sure what to do. Basically, I’m now 27 years old and I’m in a bit of a bad place.

To start off, I’m entirely sad with how alone I always am. I have 2 friends in my life who would be there for me if I needed them and one of them is about to be unavailable. I’ve always wanted to have friends and to be a family man. That’s literally ALL I’ve wanted. But as I mentioned, I’m 27 and I have almost no friends.

What’s worse than that is that I’m single. Haven’t been in a relationship in 2 years and the last one I had was emotional Hell. I was never good enough. I “didn’t understand”. The works. Now I wake up every day, alone. No one across from me in bed. No one in my arms when I need someone. No one even bother’s talking to me on a daily basis.

And to top everything off, I’ve been thinking lately that I’d like to be done. Like with everything. Like done with life. Not like I want to “opt out” as they say….. exactly. More like I’d like to fall asleep and not wake up. The ONLY THING I’ve wanted to to with my life has been completely out of my reach for my whole life now. I’ve been left to wonder what is wrong with me. No answers ever come. And that’s one of the worst parts.

When you wake up every day for YEARS with no new messages, no new matches on dating apps and no prospects for the future, you start to ask what it’s all for. What’s so wrong with me that I don’t get attention from anyone EVER? What am I doing wrong? Take the dating apps for example. You have to realize the emotional toll it takes on someone to day after day, month after month go without one single like or message. That means that everyone who uses the apps decide for reasons unknown that you aren’t worth their time or even a second look.

What do I do? How can I deal with that? This overwhelming, constantly growing feeling of being unworthy of love. Of being unloved and unlovable.
Being Worthy of Affection?
2 Opinion