She thinks I betrayed her, I did not. What should I do?


Hi everyone, I hope enough people have the time to provide advice and different perspectives. I will try to make this short. I came to the US in September 2022 to study as a foreign student. Before coming I had broken up with my ex girlfriend on January. In the US I met a girl, became really close friends and eventually we dated for a couple of months during the study program. In the end, we had our differences as a couple, we decided to just be friends, and continued to be really close. In December I went back to my home country. My ex wanted to see me, we met and regretfully ended up getting back together through the span of the month. In New Year's eve she grabbed my phone and publised a photo of us from my IG and then added a comment implying "5 years together". We had a huge argument but I failed to do the right thing and played into the game of "if you love me, you will leave it", so I did not delete it. I don't know why or how I fell into this cycle of control once again, but that is beside the point. Anyways, now my friend thinks I had a girlfriend during us dating, as well as the entire student community that I had in my IG. Most people won't say a thing, but there are back comments and people talking about what "I did" to this friend. It is embaracing because I am not that person. Anyways, she will not talk to me, and I am not about to explain to every single person. If I care about anyones opinion it is hers. I understan how painful and humiliating it must be for her to have everyone tell you about the publication. I wish I had deleted it, but I was weak. My ex knew what she was doing. Now I feel isolated, she can't even look at me understandably. Not looking for re affirmations or for anyone to make me feel better. Please be honest in your advice if you have any. I can't stop thinking about this issue, I wish there was a way to get a decent closure.

Thanks all.

She thinks I betrayed her, I did not. What should I do?
4 Opinion