Why can't I establish relationships and advance conversations?


I didn't even understand why my last relationship ended. I am not a man who is permanently attached to his family and cannot take a step without them in any matter. I love being selfless. My girlfriend in the last relationship was a woman who did not take care of herself and could not set goals. I did my best to support her in every way possible. She was a graduate of graphic design but worked as a hostess in restaurants. I gave her my own computer so she could improve in her profession. I bought her a thermos because she felt sad when her tea or coffee got cold. Buying and giving things does not make someone love you, but I didn't do these things to make her love me; I did them because I loved her. However, she left me on the night before the day she was supposed to meet my family. Now I am having a hard time starting a new relationship, finding a topic to talk about, and I can't love anyone. I always feel tired and unenthusiastic, and I don't know what to do. What do you think I should do? What advice would you give me?

Why can't I establish relationships and advance conversations?
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