My boyfriend is 37 years old and basically has his mom run his life.. ?

She makes his Dr. appointments, haircut appointments even takes him to the DR. She pays his bills (from his checking account) and deposits money into an account that’s his weekly spending money from his pay check… We have a child together and our relationship is at its breaking point because he thinks i’m trying to cause a divide when in all reality it’s just time to grow up, am i wrong? She has to call first thing in the morning to make sure he’s up, he would have to hang up with me to talk to her on his way home from work… how does he not see how this is damaging not only himself mentally and as a man just independently but US as a family? I love that he’s close to her i really do but there’s a difference between being close to your mom and this… and what drives me insane is that everyone is okay with it. FEEDBACK!

My boyfriend is 37 years old and basically has his mom run his life.. ?
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