785 opinions shared on Relationships topic. They find someone they love, but then start to think they deserve better because this person that is totally good to them is not their everything. Meaning there will never be any one person that has all the qualities you wished they did. So often you hear of these people talking about settling for someone... which is code for them really saying I am better than the person I am dating, and I think I can do better and deserve better. Like seriously who do you think you are that you are that great?
This is a toxic concept to me. What makes you think you are so great... maybe the other person is settling for you because you are not their everything... but they still love you and want to be with you. Maybe you should focus on the things that this person does do for you and love and appreciate them more, instead of fixating on all the things they do not do for you.
No one person will be your everything. Some of the best people I have ever dated were not my everything, they had some serious flaws, but they were kind and loving woman and I really cared for them. Then I have date woman who seemed to be my perfect match... but then over time they just became too much to handle, and they started thinking they could do better than me.
In the end we ALL SETTLE on someone, so this fear of settling is complete BS and is the most common mistake people make. And yes, you hear this I don't want to settle argument more from woman, who have been raised in a society that reenforces this belief in woman that they can do anything a man can do. So they need not ever settle, while at the same they emasculate all the virtues and qualities assigned to the male gender... and there are only two genders. Man and Woman.
Men on the other hand have no issues admitting that a man definitely can't do all the things a woman can do, so we do not expect her to be perfect, we just want her to be a good woman.10 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
1.6K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Assuming you want the best relationship and not the average/mediocre: Not having high standards. And the only way you can have high standards for another person is if you live by high standards yourself. By the way, it's a lot higher standard to find someone who will make a good spouse than someone who is just good for fun.
10 Reply
- 1 y
My friend knew two beautiful woman who married at 18 because they did not want to work for a living and both were in very abusive marriages and divorced after 10-20 years or so and had to enter the work force in their 30s or 40s with no experience or education or connections to find work. I also know ugly girls who have amazing husbands cause they invested in their professional skills and the man knew she was an asset and would benefit him.
10 Reply
- 1 y
. my ex has depression and until now i kinda blame myself for it. i'm thinkinh how could i not pick it up. i should have pick it up but then at that time i don't even know that mental illness really exist i thought it's just a western thinh. i'm just all
focus on the physical health and safety i didn't account there's more dreaded silent killer. i think that was my biggest mistake10 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- u1 y
Guys assume that girls will think and feel the same things that guys think and feel. And women make the same mistake about guys.
10 Reply - 1 y
Thinking their significant other can do no wrong and that they will be completely different from any other. I mean yea we’re all different in some form but a lot of the fcked up stuff we tend to have in common
30 Reply - 1 y
One mistake people make is allowing outside opinions into the relationship.
51 Reply- 1 y
- 1 y
Making mountains out of mole hills. Some people are way too dramatic over little things. Not suppose to sweat the small stuff.
00 Reply 988 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Not viewing their expectations from the others view because many people want unnatural behavior from their partner.
00 Reply444 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Having sex too early. Once it begins, growth of the relationship is halted.
20 ReplyI think lying is the biggest mistake that ruins any kind of relationship.
32 Reply- 1 y
sometimes p3ople keep secrets and lie for that. reference film superman 2, lois lied and then complained you lied.
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also if truth will make mad and lie cuase break up he will delay the break up by lie.
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Couples engage in sexual stuff too soon, I learned that from my first ex-girlfriend.
00 Reply - 1 y
biggest would be give phone password to girlfriend
00 Reply - 1 y
Lying about too many things and guilt takes over. Another is giving up too quickly or only seeing the bad side of the person. If that becomes a habit, you're bound to be single forever.
00 Reply It is to give everything in a relationship when the person does not deserve it
21 Reply- 1 y
deserve? what kind of love measures deserved
- 1 y
They care about themselves more than their partner. They want multiple lovers, they want money they want this they want that
00 Reply Not communicating, not making the other person a priority, and taking the relationship for granted.
00 ReplyMany relationships also fail due to lack of communication too
20 Reply1.2K opinions shared on Relationships topic. rushing in too fast, doinking her sister/cousin/best fried...
00 Reply- 1 y
Impatience, choosing a partner quickly and judging quickly.
00 Reply 923 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Being selfish and self centered. Not listening to the others needs and only wanting their needs met.
00 Reply- 1 y
Expecting the other person to be completely agreeable and perfect.
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)1 y
Thinking a meaningless “sorry” will fix the trust 10000%
10 Reply - 1 y
when the partner hides something important or when he/she lies
00 Reply 624 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Expecting too much and trying to have it all right away.
00 Reply- 1 y
Doing things together all the time. They need break
10 Reply - 1 y
I would add thinking that the honeymoon phase is going to last forever.
00 Reply I don't know but cheating is a big one
10 Reply832 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Failure to just communicate.
00 Reply6K opinions shared on Relationships topic. They do not communicate very well
00 Reply- 1 y
They listen to the people of gag.
00 Reply 415 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Rushing into living together
00 Reply- 1 y
Getting into them!
00 Reply - 1 y
Bringing up old shit.
00 Reply 1.3K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Not having enough trust.
00 Reply7.3K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Assuming communication will happen without effort
00 Reply1.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Getting in one
00 Reply- 1 y
The other person
00 Reply - 1 y
Getting in them.
00 Reply - 1 y
00 Reply - 1 y
Cheat or give up
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 y
Removing sex
00 Reply
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