Does connecting everyday with your girlfriend/boyfriend good or bad - I mean will they get bore of you if you connect every 2 to 3 times on a call or chat?
3.1K opinions shared on Relationships topic. My thing is if they get bored of you, then they aren’t the girl for you period , People that need space in a relationship are selfish people that only care about themselves, they only like the convenience of you , So do yourself a favor a kick that bitch to the curb where she belongs , Relationships are meant for 2 people to fall in love and commit to each other , You and your partner Vs. The world , it’s not meant for separate lifestyles , you aren’t single anymore , So Girls that get into a relationship with me that need space , they can have all the space they want , cuz there is always another girl not wanting space , Space is for astronauts not relationships period , if a partner demands space in a relationship they are clearly up to no good period , don’t fall for a girl that needs space from you , she needs space because she is spreading her legs for someone else or planning on spreading her legs for someone else. It has nothing to do with insecurities , it comes down to respect for each other , your partner needs to be your top priority the same way they make you theirs , if not then your relationship is doomed , and you are just wasting your time staying with someone that truly doesn’t value you , A Whore
20 Reply
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- 1 y
If you’re unable to connect every day without getting bored, then the chemistry between you two may not be so great.
I’ve talked with my significant other every day for over 4 years and we’re going strong.
Even if you don’t have many stories or experiences or perspectives to share with each other, you can always explore new things together. Like working on a project together.
For example, I’m a writer and my significant other is an artist. So our writer/artist pairing goes well because we can create characters and build stories together. ✨📝🎨✨10 Reply
- Anonymous(25-29)1 y
A couple times a day is fine.
And him replying In that same day, works fine.
He don’t have to reply immediately. Just have to reply in the same day.
If we’re trying to meet up or do something or is emergency. Yes reply immediately.
Nobody is TOO BUSY 🤡 to not reply 🤡
Never believe this lie ‼️ if they don’t reply they don’t respect you or don’t want to talk to you ‼️
Unless they show you proof they’re actually that BUSY.20 Reply
1.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. If they get bored of you easy then they’re not relationship material with you. But also limit yourself from contacting them too much. Give them space or breather. It’s ok to check on them twice a day but don’t look thirsty or desperate or too clingy. People have jobs, school or other things to do. Relax. If they love you, they’ll reach out. They’ll always find time…
10 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
So if I'm in a relationship - I believe affirmation is important unless your married and totally confident things will never break up so I would want at least one text message or smile emoji a day, if he's busy a text takes 8 seconds to do. If he's not busy, we can do more than 8 seconds of conversation.
10 Reply honestly... I think that the only reason why you would only "NEED" to text or call everyday is because you want reassurance. You want to reassure yourself that he still loves you. It calms you down and makes you feel at ease.
Because truth is... Sometimes I get so busy and stressed that I simply don't have much time to myself everyday. I simply won't have the time or attention to text daily.
And if you have ever seen what couples text each other about on a daily basis, its usually some lame BS garbage. Its not a real conversation with legitimate subject matter. Truth is... you run out of things to talk about if you text daily.
10 Reply- 1 y
I think it vary on the relationship.
For example, I’m currently in one country and my partner is in another for work. We text pretty much everyday. Even just how are you and then silence. Sometimes we can each other and other times we FaceTime to talk about our days or important things. Sometimes we are FaceTiming but to talk. I think it’s an assuring thing.
10 Reply - 1 y
Depends entirely on your relationship and expectations.
I like communicating frequently. My boyfriend/gfs would text me daily and viceversa.
It's just fun to chat with the people I date. Also I like to know what they're up to and I'm excited to share my day with them.
I have friends I text daily or near daily too.10 Reply - 1 y
If it's forced because you feel like you have to, it's bad.
If it just comes natural because you can't get enough of eachother, it's very good10 Reply Of course. If I can't stand talking to her for a few minutes every day then how am I ever going to stand being married to her?
10 Reply321 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Back when I was dating, we talked every day on the phone when we did not see each other. That was in the days before cell phones and texting and phones were plugged into the wall. Usually called at the end of the day to see how each others day was and plan when we were going to see each other. 6 months later, we moved in together, bought a house and after moving a few times. es and were on our 3rd house together, we got married. That was 30 years ago and still going strong.
00 Reply- 1 y
No, if you get bored, you probably aren't the best couple.
10 Reply - 1 y
I'd love it at least every second day or every day. 😊😜😋
10 Reply - 1 y
It’s a good idea to talk every day if you can
10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 y
that's so awful to communicate every single day with your partner. how excessive!!
20 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)1 y
Well If you plan on getting married, you're going to see one another everyday
So you may as well get used to it
10 Reply - 1 y
It’s fine if it doesn’t last too long the conversation and I think it’s normal actually because you’ll see each every day if you get married
10 Reply - 1 y
It's good only if you two share things about each other and feel connected every day
10 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)1 y
Better if you don't, or she will come to expect it.
10 Reply 2.8K opinions shared on Relationships topic. We do it 4 days a week when we're not together, we talk every day but Tuesday.
10 Reply7.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. Could be good or bad depending on what you do with that time
10 ReplyI think it's good to keep intouch with all loved ones and see how they're doing. everyone needs a little break sometimes though.
10 Reply624 opinions shared on Relationships topic. It’s ok unless one needs space, my personality is hi I love you bye for now that’s me
10 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)1 y
it's good thing.. go ahead make lots of memories!
10 Reply 498 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Its great in my opinion.
10 Reply- 1 y
It's a good thing & it's beautiful.
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)1 y
That seems to often for me.
10 Reply 7.3K opinions shared on Relationships topic. It can be too much.
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