Why do I feel like we talk to one another differently now that we know one another better?


From before we never really talked serious and we always were skimming the top of things like little kids would but since she almost died in an accident I wanted to show my support for her in time of need. Yes I sent her flowers to the hospital and with it a little note that made her laugh. It made her happy despite her situation, She had her pelvis crushed/broken and have seen the extent of the break and it made me cringe. So we talked more and more and shared more and more but I noticed that the way we talk now is not the same as how we use to talk from before. I am trying to make heads of tails of this and not sure what to make of it. I know she has/had suffer (ed) from anxiety and bouts of depression and understand her without passing judgment on her. It just seems like things are different between she and I, but she is in limbo and needs to find her way and focus on getting her self back on her feet because I can offer her words of support and words don't do any justice if one can't walk the walk.

Why do I feel like we talk to one another differently now that we know one another better?
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