My boyfriend and I had been together since August. I was with him before he had a job and a vehicle. Well a month ago he was able to get a vehicle and eversince he had gotten a vehicle I had been last. He had started hanging around cousins on days that we have planned to spend time with each other and even do favors for his friends on days we had planned to see each other. The day after Thanksgiving he had liquor and talked so bad to me that I had made him leave my grandmother’s house. He had used profanity and called me out of my name. The next following day he had contacted me and apologized and promised not to drink around me again. The day after that he had a couple of beers and was acting crazy again by calling me out of my name and saying I hope the next man you get breaks your heart. Not to mention we don’t have sex, when I’m around him he is always into his phone and I had even found out that he has an active dating profile on tagged and had even caught him talking to a woman on the phone. When I had started drilling questions I had learned that he was making plans to see her. What would you do?
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