With reflection, like me, are happier and wealthier that you remained single in your 20s?

Now I can soon enjoy my 30s and beyond with good close friends, (no they're not friends with benefits lol, uh uh vomits), good family and good savings, while being appreciative I've not STIs/STDs, no pregnancies, and no ex-girlfriend lol. I'm happier and healthier on reflection that, sure I may never have been a player, yet I never got played โฏ๏ธโ–ถ๏ธ and I will enjoy my many decades ahead choosing to be happily single. And still a generous soul for charitable causes and my good family and friends, a generous person I am into my many futures ahead ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ™ƒ and ongoing ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™‚

Not sure
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Still 20s 😅 I'll let ya know in 30s lol 👀🙃
I'm a chick
Whatever, loser lol 😂😆
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3 mo
Rejoice for the economic savings (lol no financial advice) of single life and having remained single and ongoing single :) 😈😈😛👀 I sure will enjoy my 30s and ongoing being happily single. I seem to save a lot more money that way and I'm yet still a community giving back, selfless humble soul 🙃😁 if only more people out there were or are, I'm thrilled for the future and for my own future merrily 30s and on
With reflection, like me, are happier and wealthier that you remained single in your 20s?
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