23 d

Is it over? I’m completely lost and confused?

To begin I took our dogs to the vet. One has a UTI and the other one has crystals in her bladder and can not hold her urine. I work from home so I have the ability to take them out quite frequently but there’s times she will go a couple times in the house everyday if I’m in a meeting or on a call. Anyways went to the vet, got the problem solved with prescribed food and medicine. I had bought a puppy pad in case she goes in the house just until the food works because I can not keep having her go on the carpet. I can only clean it so much. My boyfriend of 5 years and I got into a fight over it. I told him the reasoning and was calm and he was not having it. He then went on to say how nobody likes to be around me cause I’m always upset, how I’m always dramatic and all this. He then said that he hates it here. I took the dogs and was like if you hate it here then leave. We went for a walk and got home after about 4 hours. He was laying on the couch, I asked if he was going to sleep there and he said I guess. I asked him if he wanted to talk about what happened and he said no. Wouldn’t even look at me. I feel like I’m in the wrong here and it’s all my fault. Like are we over? I can’t get any clarification because he doesn’t want to talk to me. I’m so lost, we live together too and have two dogs. If we split, the dogs will stay with me. I do spend more on their care and food. I have paid for all their emergency vet visits. The oldest one is registered as my service dog. The younger one is what I’m worried about him taking but he wouldn’t give her the care she needs and I won’t allow the two dogs to be split up. They’re my whole world
Is it over? I’m completely lost and confused?
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