My soul mate was a gay guy? Why can't I find "the one" who is available to be mine?

After my marriage ended (to a weak goal-less but kind man) I found a gay best friend. He was very strong and manly despite being gay. He was the right level of dominant and goal orientated that I liked. We had such good laughs. Fun. Could be so content in eachothers company. We slept cuddling st night and did chores and dinner together. Our friendship crossed boundaries and we did actually love eachother. We acted like a couple in all ways except that one thing - sexual orientation- meant it could never be. Since then I have had two bad bad relationships whilst searching for similar traits in straight men. Maybe he is out there? The one that just fits? But it's so hard searching!

My soul mate was a gay guy? Why can't I find "the one" who is available to be mine?
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