Should we break up? help?

I met this guy about 10 months ago, and we started dating about 6 months ago. Everything was really great up until like 3 weeks ago. We started “living” together around 3 weeks ago, we each have our own apartment but spends most of the time with me. The thing is, I suddenly started feeling disgusted by him. The way he talked, the way he acted. He became very annoying and I started acting different around him. I stopped being touchy and romantic. He was always very childish and would get mad at very dumb things, and i used to be very understanding, but now i just ignore him. He asked me if something was wrong, and told me I was acting very “cold”. I told him I wasn’t feeling very well and that I didn’t know what was going on. I told him that maybe I was feeling overwhelmed about spending so much time together, and he got kind of defensive saying I probably dont like him anymore and that im not nice to him anymore. I tried to explain to him the way im feeling, I even told him that I was thinking of going to therapy to see if it was depression, and told him we could make some changes to feel better. At the end he told he understood, but then today we started talking about the topic again and he got defensive again. He even asked me if I was with someone else, and then said that he didn’t like that i wanted more time alone when that was not what he wanted. Kind of saying that i was only thinking about me. He then told me he was sorry, again. I dont know what to do because clearly he doesn't accept what im proposing and i feel he resents me for it. I thought we have talked about it, and that he understood, but i feel bad that he is bringing it up again. I understand that he wasn't expecting this change and that he might think its because i dont like him anymore, but it feels weird to be with someone that, even after telling him that im not feeling well and im feeling a little depressed, he is still pressuring me or making me feel worse.
Should we break up? help?
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