What do you think it means to “be in love”; do you think it’s different than “to love”and have you ever been “in love”?

Just the question as you see fit to answer ⬆️

The poll question applies to if you’ve ever been in love.

but if you want to expand on what you think the difference Or if you think there’s a difference at all, between, “in love” and “to love”, feel free 🤝

YES 🙌🏽 🙌🏽
NOPE 👎🏽👎🏽
OTHER ☝🏽☝🏽
I just wanna see the answers 👣👣👣
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What do you think it means to “be in love”; do you think it’s different than “to love”and have you ever been “in love”?
Post Opinion