What are the reasons you wouldn't want your spouse to have friends of the opposite sex?

I have to admit, men who have female friends are unappealing to me. The dynamic between male and female friends just doesn't sit well with me, and I find it cringeworthy. As an adult, I've drawn a clear line – I won't have male friends.
I'm also turned off by the idea of a female 'talking head' telling my boyfriend what I supposedly want or desire. It's like she's trying to dictate my thoughts and feelings. And don't even get me started on the idea of a female 'talking head' giving advice on how to solve problems in our relationship. If he needs guidance, he should come to me directly, not rely on some outside opinion. Although I wouldn't say anything to my boyfriend about his having a female friend, I would be turned off by the idea. If he thinks he needs someone other than me, that's his choice. However, I do have one non-negotiable request: he shouldn't demand that I meet this person or even be friends with them. His interactions with this female friend shouldn't involve venting about me or seeking her opinion on our issues. And I don't want him to talk about her either. Some might suggest that she could help him choose the perfect gift for me. But let's be real – just because she's a woman doesn't mean she automatically understands what this woman wants. And honestly, even if she did, the only reason I'd be happy with a gift is if my boyfriend chose it himself. It's not about the gift itself, but about the thought and effort he puts into it. The fact that he took the initiative to get me something special would mean more to me than the gift itself.

After all, he is my boyfriend – I date him, not her.

1 mo
I am single and I refuse to have male friends. That femqle male platonic friendship is cringworthy
So it is stupid of you to think my reason for not wanting my future boyfriend to have female friends is because I don't trust him or because I am jealous. I am turned off by a man who needs female friends. Why wouod I want to date a man that is a turn off? I want a masculine man as my boyfriend. Like I said I refuse to have male friends even though I'm single.
What are the reasons you wouldn't want your spouse to have friends of the opposite sex?
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