What are some signs that he is trying to make me jealous?

I like this guy and we have been friends for the past year, but me and him got into a argument. It wasn't brutal or anything it was a mature argument, but I am still not talking to him cause I need more time to think. Well I am not too fond of this girl Kelly (but he doesn't know that, I don't say anything about her) and he has been seeing her and he says he is "just friends" with her, but it's a total lie. Anyways, ever since our argument he has been making posts that include Kelly in it. He mentioned Kelly's name on one of our mutual friends post. He even posted a pic of her with her baby and his baby niece. It's like all of a sudden though, like after we had that argument, he seems to be mentioning Kelly more often.

He's making it a point to post about her on Facebook. He's over doing it in a way. Like with those stupid cartoon Bitstrip things, lol! to me that just shows he has a motive, cause who does that? Like when I had a boyfriend I didn't feel the need to display us and everything we did on Facebook. He even changed his Instagram Profile Pic to him and Kelly. It's like they are dating now, but it's just weird cause it seems like after that argument we had he's doing this. So is this a sign of jealousy? Do guys do this? Does he think it will make me jealous enough to call him? What are signs to look for that a guy is trying to make a girl jealous? Thank you everyone!
What are some signs that he is trying to make me jealous?
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