The more we accept the truth the better the truth will help us in our journey. A lot of people do not have the slightest idea of what happens after death. Sequel to my initial article on “life is a school”, you will agree with me that in any school there is a time allotted for each student. The end of our learning period on earth is called death, after death our performance are computed and shown to us. How well or bad we have lived will determine our promotion or demotion. Just like a child who did well in his initial class is promoted to a new class, promotion after death is to the lovely planes that are more beautiful than the earthly kingdoms. And in the same vein, demotion is to lowly kingdom known as hell. Both heaven and hell have different categories, in the heavenly plane, the higher you climb, the more beautiful the experience is while the lower the horrifying the experience is for hell. Man is a spirit being cloaked in a physical body, and during death the physical body falls aside exposing the real being. The real being can either be a lovely spirit with shining aura or a stained spirit with darkened aura. Some spirits become stock on earth, not being able to ascend or descend, these are the ones that haunt places.
Make haste before the night comes. While there is still time, we should endeavor to sow the right fruits so that we can be partakers of a joyful harvest. There is no hiding place after death, a spirit stands exactly as it is and the law of attraction places each and every spirit where it belongs. Death is not an end; it is a transition. Experiences continuous even after death, in the higher planes, they are joyful activities that points towards glorifying the Almighty, and due to ignorant form of many human beings on earth, a lot of help from loved ones are geared towards helping people have a better understanding of life. In response to the above what should be our attitude here on earth such that we can return home to paradise? Simply let love guide you. Love is an embodiment of so many positive attributes such as patience, hope, kindness, forgiveness, openness, faith, temperance, justice, honesty and fairness.
What Girls & Guys Said
I like that this post opens with 'Accept the truth', then proceeds to make numerous claims, without any logical arguments or evidence.
You don't find truth by pretending to have already found it.
Let's see what we've got here that I can pick apart...
"you will agree with me that in any school there is a time allotted for each student. The end of our learning period on earth is called death, after death our performance are computed and shown to us"
I agree with the allotted times, and no more.
The analogy falls flat in that if life was a test from some magical being, it is completely random and nonsensical.
What sort of school test gives all the students different questions and different time limits? If a class of 10 year olds are all sat down, and one student gets some very simple math, and another one gets some hard biology questions, I would say that school system has failed and the staff all be fired.
What sort of test is a baby who only survives a few weeks sitting? How can that 'test' be compared to someone who survived well into their 90s?
"Man is a spirit being cloaked in a physical body, and during death the physical body falls aside exposing the real being."
Everything we know about a person exists in the brain, when that dies, it's over.
What about people who are clinically dead for a short period of time, just to be brought back by doctors?
How do you explain the confirmation bias in the accounts of these people - Christians will claim to have seen or heard Jesus or angels, while Muslims will claim to have seen or heard Muhammad or Allah. Or what about those with (Or without) beliefs of heaven/hell who offer no such accounts?
"Some spirits become stock on earth, not being able to ascend or descend, these are the ones that haunt places."
This is where you run into real trouble - Because you've just made a demonstrably false claim. Ghosts are not real and are accepted as myth now.
Ghosts should be incredibly easy to prove, yet have not been.
"In response to the above what should be our attitude here on earth such that we can return home to paradise?"
No, that's a really unhealthy attitude.
I will not waste this life following arbitrary rules for a false promise of another one afterwards. This life is the only one you know you get, devaluing it by writing it off a test run is one of the worst things anyone could do.
NOBODY knows what happens after death, certainly not you. The burden of empirical evidence. is on you, the one who makes the claim, to prove it with something that can be tested. It isn't a truth until then.