Why our earthly life matters in relationship to how our afterlife will be affected with a touch of improvement advice


I will explain why it matters now how we spend our time in earthly life and how what we choose to do will affect the results of our fully spiritual life God creatures for us. I will go through 3 stages: conception through birth, birth through death, death to eternal afterlife. I will give all 4 categories and why God trusts us to be God stewards with our life and care for others.


We begin our life when we are conceived. The moment our father's sperm connects with our mother's egg, we are created and God currently want to keep it a secret how He does that. If God decides to tell us later how He does that, then that is a bonus. During conception stages, we are living inside our mother's body as a separate body. Men are the life forces. Women are the bridge stones of life and helps shape us up for earthly life. God has blessed women with the task of constituting us to life on earth. That is why abortion causes angels to weep in the spiritual realm. It cases them to lose potential crown and battles that God planned for us to be with people during their time of need and it keeps them from being encamped around angels when they need their miracle. Every life has a story to tell and God doesn't receive the glory when life is prematurely decided by human hands. It is wrong to play God. During our tune in our mother's body, we are growing and preparing for the substances that build up who we are and scientifically, all our DNA is human during our conception. So it is an error to claim we are just a lump of cells. Science proves we are human with same DNA at birth as during time in the womb.

Why our earthly life matters in relationship to how our afterlife will be affected with a touch of improvement advice


When we are born, we often have to face a troubling world who wants to mark us by giving us a social security number. That is what Satan wants. He wants to mark us with his tracking system. We have more worth in our life than being a number. Despite what people think, you can opt against being given a security security number that marks using secular means. God is against this marking system. During life, if we are blesses enough to decide to do good or evil, it will affect consequences in life, in the justice system, parents deciding how to punish doing wrong and how God decides to correct us. God loves us. That is why He chastens us. He purchased us through the precious blood of Jesus. Despite what people say, God is not a malicious bully who sentences us to Hell. People decide their Heaven or Hell by how they lived their life and Satan's job is to deceived through unbelief and sexual immorality. Sins against the body like sexual sins have greater consequences than other types of sins. All sin is not equal and scripture clearly proves it. When people are bound by a mind of unbelief, it grieves the Holy Ghost. The people who claim to be atheist are not realizing the damage they are doing. They are ignorant and selfish and assume that their way of thinking is righteous. They are usually reprobates who are unable to come to the glorious conclusions and they buck repentance and change because they love walking in the flesh. The spirit and flesh war against each other. We should avoid sin as much as possible because it affects the preparation of our afterlife and it destroys the relationship with God. It also carries earthly consequences. Even the justice system recognizes evil needs to be punished and punish accordingly. Murder often carries a higher penalty than rape because life is seen as the ultimate special part of who we are as humans. Even the secular world holds human life above animal life. If we kill an animal, we don't get life sentences in prison or death penalties. We get sentences far less severe. How much we bless others and feed the poor and clothe the naked matters because it blesses the angels and we get satisfaction on both Heaven and earth. Suicide has grave consequences because it affects our relationship with God. Unbelief has heavy consequences because it blocks the Holy Ghost from building strength in humans to use greater discernment and makes it more stressful when we depend on yourself rather than letting the Holy Ghost guide our lives.

Why our earthly life matters in relationship to how our afterlife will be affected with a touch of improvement advice


When death begins, our consciousness still exists but we lose our earthly memories because we are no longer in a body living. We are not our body. We are our mind. Our mind and body get spiritual bodies depending if our soul was more Heavenly matched or Hellish matched according to our life on earth. Death is not the final victor. Death is God's victory to prepare us the heavenly life He valued to show us and we can only survive in the afterlife in spiritual bodies. However, we must accept that life by counting on Jesus Christ for our salvation. This is our only chance to achieve the greatest Heaven possible because purgatory and reincarnation and demonic deceptions that Satan uses because he hates humans.

Why our earthly life matters in relationship to how our afterlife will be affected with a touch of improvement advice


Heaven realm:

During Heaven, time will exist in a linear form of everlasting. People misinterpret the Bible when it says time shall be no more. It means time will not matter. Time does exist because God says they will be 30 minutes of silence l, then the glories will forever roll. Heaven is our intended realm God wants for us but because God is love, He lets us decide if we want to be here or not. He doesn't force us to be in Heaven. He makes it our choice because denying free will is allowing robotic slavery. Now if we choose slavery, that's our fault but if slavery was forced on us, God would be to blame. God gave us free will to choose.

Why our earthly life matters in relationship to how our afterlife will be affected with a touch of improvement advice

Hell realm:

This is the weaker realm of the spiritual realms and a match for this realm is with souls matched with unbelief and sexual immorality for the most part. It is very vital to avoid the worst Hell level. I hope that anybody suffering in Hell without God's presence is experiencing a lesser level. All levels are terrible but people need to realize how we behave with our trust in Jesus and avoiding things that makes us the best match for this realm needs prayer and guidance from the Holy Ghost. That's why the Holy Ghost should be sought. It helps people meet a Heavenly match for their soul.

Why our earthly life matters in relationship to how our afterlife will be affected with a touch of improvement advice


Please respect your salvation. It is the most previous gift God gave us. Please turn from your unbelief, sexual immorality and other sins. I hope your life gets matched with the level of Heaven has has the highest peace and glory. While receiving a lesser level of Heaven beats getting the least tortuous level in Hell, it shouldn't be your mindset. Your mindset should be to get the greatest Heaven possible. Make sure your soul is meeting the standards necessary for the greatest Heaven. Despite why people say, I care for all creatures and pray and fast for you fellow g@g members to be motivated to attain salvation and to gain the greatest Heaven possible. Please check your soul and make sure you are measuring up.

Thanks for reading and God bless!

Why our earthly life matters in relationship to how our afterlife will be affected with a touch of improvement advice
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