Why going paperless is the future and money will be obsolete


I will discuss why paper was used and why our future will be paperless and why money will be no longer needed.

Going paperless

Our past often was shadowed with paper which people used prior to the electronic age and we are slowly moving away from it. With the advancement of technology, all our documents will be electronically stored and files where paper were needed to carry it can't be burned nor would it matter. We are headed towards a One World Religion and movement to where Satan is glorified by our nation and people already are seeking trans humanistic lifestyles of wanting to be compared to computer systems and take away the raw emotions of being human. This paperless movement is also all about saving time and money as people no longer want to spend quality time with others but want to codify us as humans.

Why going paperless is the future and money will be obsolete

Money being obsolete

It used to be the way people buy and make sales and still is in most of the world but some are moving towards a society where people's need for money will no longer matter because Satan's mark will allow them the opportunity to buy or sell food and other needed items. There is no escaping the mark. If you sell your soul to Satan, you will only enjoy a temporary life on earth but as death comes, you will not experiences the promises of the Lord. This is coming because people put such a high price on possessions and will listen to the devil and not think about the Creator of all existence. God is pure existence and anything whose existence can't be pinned to a prior existence must be God and only God qualifies as capable of that attribute. Money is not evil but the love of money is evil but more evil than that is the love for power and control that will do away with money.

Why going paperless is the future and money will be obsolete


Are you of the same unction as me and feeling this direction is headed and spent earnest time fasting and praying that God will delay this from happening so that more eyes will be opened and ears opened to receive the remnant, called and magnificent glories of God before Satan has blinded them? Please share with me if this is your battle cry and goal that you spend time thinking about and are of this mindset. I'm fervently praying and want to be your spiritual advisor if you so feel the need for spiritual awakening! Thanks for reading and please share your ideas!

Why going paperless is the future and money will be obsolete
20 Opinion