The Cult That Is the Christian Evangelist Movement, Vol.2: Conservatives Mourn the 2020 Election

The Cult That Is the Christian Evangelist Movement, Vol.2: Conservatives Mourn the 2020 Election

Although there is victory for Joe Biden in winning the 2020 election, it should also disturb us that this was still a close race, indicating that there are a lot more Trump supporters in America than we really realized. According to the election stats, 70 million voted for Trump. And a very large number of those individuals were conservative "Christians."

As I noted in my last Take, it absolutely baffles and appalls me that anyone calling themselves a follower of Christ can have Republican values let alone stand firm in showing Nazi-like allegiance to a man like Donald Trump. They do it because they show us they are the ones in America with hate in their hearts, and support Trump and other Republicans as a way of getting at people, races, and policies they hate.

The Cult That Is the Christian Evangelist Movement, Vol.2: Conservatives Mourn the 2020 Election

They also have chosen to believe and stand by the lies of this man. No true Christian would ever be in standing with an ungodly, unholy, lying, dishonest man like Trump. No true Christian would ever go to his rallies and support him making fun of disabled people. No true Christian would agree with Trump's racist remarks about immigrants. And no true Christian would still decide to stand by him even after a recording came forward with him saying he wanted to play down COVID-19 and always wanted to.

These people have a lot of soul-searching to do.

How conservative "Christians" are handling the loss of Trump...

No amount of reasoning changes these individuals' view. Their hearts are hardened now as they've solidified themselves in the sin of supporting such a wicked man. To the point now that many are agreeing with Trump's irrational, paranoid ideas that the election was rigged and stolen from him.

The Cult That Is the Christian Evangelist Movement, Vol.2: Conservatives Mourn the 2020 Election

And what makes this so ironic is the fact that it was Trump and his people who were trying to obstruct people's voting rights months back when states were beginning to do early voting. It was him and his people trying to bring cases to states' supreme courts to stop early ballots, and here he has lost and says there's been "voter fraud." And even worse that many supporters and people calling themselves Christians are following such loser logic.

"God showed me that Trump will win re-election"...

I couldn't wait to see this. I really couldn't. In weeks leading up to the election I happened to watch some videos on YouTube from evangelist leaders - or rather influencers - talking about how Trump would win re-election because "God showed them" or they "had a vision" or it was "spoken" to them, and now I really wonder if they're feeling like complete idiots now. Though of course, many of them are also under the belief that the election was stolen from Trump and that it was intended for him, but God's will can't be changed, so if God really meant for Trump to win then it would've happened without much struggle.

I love how evangelical leaders control people's minds with their lies of how God speaks to them and tells them things that don't end up coming to pass. And they do this because if they can tell people that God told them this, then people with weak minds will believe that it has to be true and that God is on their side, a strategy no different than the ones used by despotic popes and kings of the medieval ages. This mentally abusive strategy is also what has caused many people to reject the Christian religion, because if someone calling themselves a servant of God but is full of hate and lies tells people that God agrees with them, then other people feel like they don't want God.

"But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep." - 2 Peter 2: 1-3

Praise for Jerushah Duford...

There is a glimmer of hope for some evangelicals however. Some weeks ago I was amazed to read about Billy Graham's granddaughter, Jerushah Duford, boldly coming forward with her own article advising the church to no longer support Trump. This is extremely courageous for a woman in the middle of a snake pit that has fixed itself on deifying an unholy man like this president.

The Cult That Is the Christian Evangelist Movement, Vol.2: Conservatives Mourn the 2020 Election

Although originally supporting Trump in 2016, Duford and other evangelical women eventually came to realize that he is not the man the church should be following or endorsing. Of these conflicted wives of men who support Trump, Duford boldly came forward and called on the church to turn away from Trump and get their faith focused again. I could've cried when I read her article, and I highly applaud this woman for her courage in coming forward in changing her heart and state of mind, and encouraging other conservative Christians to do the same.

Along with her, I too will appeal to these churches: turn from your ways and your distorted vision in supporting Trump. Abandon him and his foolish ideas that there was voter fraud. Joe Biden is not a perfect man and I'm sure he has his own past political issues, and I myself would've voted for another candidate if he wasn't the option, but in him we can see that he's a man who actually cares about the people and wants to do the right thing for America. Christians have no business allying themselves with the dark, ungodly, lying wickedness of president Trump. Change your hearts!

"For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?" - 2 Corinthians 6: 14-16

The Cult That Is the Christian Evangelist Movement, Vol.2: Conservatives Mourn the 2020 Election
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