One of many reasons Jesus said not to judge

One of many reasons Jesus said not to judge

Jesus said not to judge others and those who did will be punished. I can think of instances why it happened he said this:

I once judged a co worker for leaving a mess on the ground and expecting me to clean up after him until I learned he had a mental disorder where he has difficulty focusing or noticing details when he is distracted or overwhelmed and anxious.

I had people judge me for not talking to my roommates in first year university, not knowing I never talked to my parents or grandparents at home because the only time my family would talk to me was when they were yelling at me or criticizing me or judging me and mocking me or humiliating and that I did not know how a normal live in relationship with roommates was supposed to function.

I had a pastor kick me out of his bible study because I told him I could not stop judging people and wanted advice about how to stop doing it, he did not know my parents would judge me 200 - 900 times a day and told me I was a worthless piece of trash over a million times before my 35th birthday and that I never had a friend or associate who didn’t judge me and criticize me, and this is why I did not know how to form relationships with people that were free of judgment and criticism.

I also know woman who were hated by church goers for having relations with the men who went there, not knowing the woman were molested as children by their male guardians and that they slept with men out of self hatred believing the only thing they had to offer was physical expressions of interest and desire and that their bodily expression was their natural default condition and could not be escaped or avoided.

So do not victimize a victimize, or you will be punished. Stop judging people, your not God, you may make errors when your judging people because your knowledge and insight is limited.

One of many reasons Jesus said not to judge
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