Why following God is sometimes comfortably uncomfortable

Why following God is sometimes comfortably uncomfortable

In the bible the Israelites are forced to journey through the wilderness for long periods before reaching the promised land and in the same way, I find God sometimes forced us into our own wilderness where we are uncomfortable.

Today I was eagerly seeking advice about my writing projects and realized there was no one close to me that I felt comfortable going to for advice since they did not have the same academic background or professional interests as me.

Then I realized, I did not actually need an answer to my question! An answer to my question could have given me clarity about my future and conclusive affirmation that what I was doing was correct, but it was not necessary because I could always modify my goals if things did not work out as planned.

Than came the question: why was I seeking clarity about my project when clarity was unnecessary? I realized, the answer lay in the fact I wanted to deal with certainties and not with unknown variables. The wilderness is a space where you cannot see more than 12 feet in front of you in many cases and can only take things one day at a time but I preferred to work in the plains where I could clearly see what the future held.

I kept getting dreams from God which I believe was God telling me to pursue a writing career and for a long time I did not like the mission I had been given because there was so much uncertainty and so many things I wanted direction on and the only answer I ever got was to keep hunting and searching for ideas until one popped out. So that is the wilderness, where you do not know what the future holds and have to rely on God to lead you by the hand and take you where He wants you to go and the wilderness is a lesson in trust. It’s a time and place where you learn to let go of your own order of operations and rely on God’s instead.

Why following God is sometimes comfortably uncomfortable
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