PRE ISLAMIC ERA PART 1 - Goddesses in Saudi Arabia

Arabian trinity goddesses
Arabian trinity goddesses
Trinity Arabian goddesses
Trinity Arabian goddesses
PRE ISLAMIC ERA PART 1 - Goddesses in Saudi Arabia
Indian trinity Goddesses
Indian trinity Goddesses

The Arabian trinity goddesses are very similar to Indian trinity goddesses. In India, we have trinity goddesses called Goddess Saraswati - the goddess of knowledge, Goddess Lakshmi - the goddess of wealth and Goddess Durga - the goddess of feminine strength.

Even if you look at the pictures of trinity Arabian goddesses and compare them with pictures of Indian trinity goddesses, it is very similar. For example: both Goddess Al Lat and Goddess Saraswati are wearing a white dress. Secondly, both Goddess Al Uzza and Goddess Durga are wearing a red dress.

So, the colours of their clothes are very similar. The colour white represents knowledge and purity and the colour red represents divine feminine energy. Secondly, the background is similar because there is a lion and swords in both pictures because Goddess Durga is a warrior goddess, who killed demons called Shumbh Nishumb.

All these statues of goddesses were destroyed. One of the trinity Arabian goddesses was established in the temple of Somnath as Shiva's consort - Goddess Parvati. That temple was also destroyed 17 times by a man from Afghanistan.

Temple of Somnath
Temple of Somnath

In this lecture, Sadhguru talks about the temple of Somnath, which was destroyed 17 times and he discusses why it was so important to destroy a temple 17 times.

Thank you for reading!

PRE ISLAMIC ERA PART 1 - Goddesses in Saudi Arabia
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