Do you think a catholic priest would be willing to talk to me?

I'm mourning a loss to suicide and I can't seem to get past it and I want to speak with someone about God. I don't want to go to my church because that stuff is not confidential and the pastor (I love her, don't get me wrong) is a little odd and I'm worried she'll tell my family. But I'd like to talk to a catholic priest about my struggle but I don't know if one would be willing to speak to me because I'm neither catholic nor willing to convert and I'm not there for confession, I'm there to seek counsel. What do you think?
Yes, a catholic priest would be willing to speak with you
No, a catholic priest would not be willing to speak with you
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I spoke with the priest. He was very kind and understandings and he really helped 😊
Do you think a catholic priest would be willing to talk to me?
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