Do you believe God exists?

*Skip this if you don’t believe in God*

I believed God exists because without him I wouldn’t regret what I had done wrong. He showed me the right path and is very forgiving of me. I sometimes hate myself for hurting others because it’s against God’s will. I realised that I shouldn’t follow societal expectations of women, like how I should look to please lots of men. I don’t follow trends and I don’t follow celebs and beauty trends, I didn’t buy luxury goods too. I realised if I were to follow them till I die, I will have to face God myself and I might end up in hell. I’m someone who would rather listen to God than random people telling me what I should do when I’m not like them. I’m not against people who don’t believe in God. The reason why I came back to God is because of how messed up the world is and God made me see the positive side of things.

I prayed to God every single day thanking him for keeping me alive and safe whenever I go out. I may not be rich but I’m perfectly happy with what I have rather than worry about what I didn’t have that most rich people can afford. God gave me a choice whether to follow him or go against him which is what I loved about him. I do faced judgements from random strangers because I’m not following trends but I just ignore them and live my life because what matters me the most is I follow God’s ways. God only sees how good a person’s heart is while many people tend to see how a person looks physically which is sadly true, if not why would the handsome men and beautiful women get so many people trying to make a move on them? I’m a low maintenance girl living a minimalist lifestyle.
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Do you believe God exists?
10 Opinion