- 29 d
Over the course of history, religion has been the cause of more wars and deaths than any other reason. Now tell me where you think evil is.
I know several atheists and agnostics who are good people, and quite a few Christian's who aren't.
52 Reply- 27 d
Thanks for MHO
- 21 d
Atheism maybe not war yet, the greatest scientists since the Renaissance rejected atheism so we can't see yet,
but atheism worse for killing HELPLESS human fetus. By millions. And government funded except during president reagan.
Most Helpful Opinions
It is possible for atheist to be a good person.
11 Reply- 22 d
Depends how you define good.
If harm is bad than harming a fetus and promoting kill a fetus is bad
So can't be a good person without religious guidance.
What Girls & Guys Said
392 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. There is something called morality. It is a human trait.
Atheists can be extremely moral, ethical, kind, compassionate, generous, ... They don't do it for fear of eternal punishment. And they aren't sanctimonious about it.
Christians think they can do rotten things - lie, covet, commit adultery, approve of torture and murder, be mean and selfish, engage in pride, greed, lust, envy, and gluttony - but then ask God for forgiveness and, poof, they are magically cleansed.
Look at the Holy Roman Empire, the Vatican, the Crusades, the Inquisition, Anglicans, Cromwellians, Puritans, colonial invaders, megachurch ministers and an endless list of other so-called Christians. Some people do evil in the name of religion.
Jesus said "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Almost all religions say the same thing in different words. It's just common sense. Most human beings have that attitude, whether they are religious or not.
Some of the best people I know are atheists. And they aren't good just because some authority tells them what is good and bad, or because they are afraid of punishment.50 Reply- 24 d
You need to be motivated to be a good person. If you don't believe in God and the hearafter, you don't have much motivation left!!
Does that mean that everyone who believes in God and the hearafter is automatically a good person? Nope. Because we are human beings, and we have such things as anger, fear, lust, greed, pride and etc. and all these emotions and desires can lead us to the bottom of hell if they are not controlled, even if we do believe in God and the hearafter!!
But the basis for being a good person, and the very first thing you need to have, is motivation. If you have enough faith, now you have much stronger motivation to go against your animalistic desires and be a nice person. If you don't believe in God and the Hearafter, you don't have much motivation at all. You live only once. Why not fullfilling all your fantasies and wishes at any cost? Even at the cost of hurting other people? Just think about it. You are going to live only once!! Why restraining yourself? Why not pulling scams!! Why not abusing other people? especially when you know all the necessary skills to trick people so that they never figure it out? When you're clever enough to attract people to yourself and then stab them in the back? Our world is full of sick, psychopath politicians who have climbed up the ladder of power in the dirties manner ever!!! There have people out there, killing millions of innocent human beings, and yet they live in their luxurious homes and enjory driving their luxurious cars and sleeping with the most beautiful girls!!! And guess what? They die of a natural death!! They are never punished for what they did. If there's going to be no hell, why not just do the same thing? As far as I'm concerned, most people in power are corrupted!!
20 Reply - 29 d
No, you're wrong about atheism and evil. Believing in God is only "believing", and a way to help people behave in a better way with each other by heeding particular rules depending on common sense and/or belonging to a particular religion or philosophy. The real question is not pretending whether God exists or not, but how we actually behave in daily life.
Not believing in a God, being an atheist, does not mean not being able to show empathy, compassion, intelligence, do good works, etc.
The main difference between these two ways of thinking is that a sincere religious person will try doing their best by putting into practice the teachings of their particular religion, while the atheist will do that by using their common sense and science. No need to add that their are idiots and criminals in both groups, as well as good and intelligent people.
Real Evil, the Devil's real work, is using religion to wage wars, to push communities into fighting and killing people of other communities. Peace be with people of good will...
10 Reply i'm an atheist and have been mostly non religious for most of my life and i easily help people for nothing in return, i do feel sympathy for people going through bad things, i feel morally outraged when i see bad things happen to others, i'm not malevolant or evil, etc... i dont need the threat of eternal damnation and the allure of paradise for eternity to make me not be a psychopath
most atheists, agnostics, etc are normal decent people. having empathy is a biological process, nothing to do with believing in jesus
63 Reply- 24 d
You are more kind and nicer I've been to different church one thing I've learn a human attending church does not mean they're good people. I meant some horrible rude people at church.
- 21 d
But "feeling sympathy" is a liberal "good deed" that does not help the victim. At least we pray!
- 21 d
^ such a swell christian he is huh? smh
99% of the time, atheists are better people than religious people.
The majority of serial killers are Christians. The prison population is 98% Christian. Atheists make up like 1% of the prison population. Even Satanists make up less than 0.1% of the prison population. The literal people that worship evil, by your standards are better people than most Christians.
I have even met Christians that have admitted they would be committing crimes like rape if they weren't afraid of going to hell. Jail doesn't even scare them, they don't want to not rape because its bad to hurt other people. They are afraid of hell, that is literally the only thing that stops them.
If fear of hell is the only thing that stops you from being a piece of trash, then you aren't a good person.
I believe there is probably a "god," but I can't possibly take Christianity as serious. But even I can admit clearly atheists are better people on average.
31 Reply- 22 d
Better by what standards? Obeying the trivial woke rules? Not being a hypocrit? Is that important? When nobody bleeds if i am a hypocrit.
Not being judgmental? Is that important? When nobody bleeds if i am.
But baby DOES bleed if circumcise meaning incision and cut off a good part!
The fetus does bleed and dies in every abortion. That is real and what matters more.
- Anonymous(25-29)1 mo
sure but only because morality starts off as a branch from religion
people can deny it all they want but without religion there'd be a world of chaos where people can do whatever they want and acts of murder, rape and cannibalism would've just happened naturally
today such acts would warrant some type of "justification". before religion existed, who would you be to tell someone committing such acts they're wrong when no concept of morality existed or rather why should they care for such
even for atheists, a rule as simple as theft is wrong is widely believed because it's written into the law which was derived from religion
think of wild animals today. does the concept of morality AND religion exist within their species? even if we bring up intelligence as the reason why, many species are actually quite intelligent more so than humans in ways we don't expect but lack of concept on "right vs wrong" is what holds them back
20 Reply - 1 mo
That's some religious brainwashing. Morality does not come from religion, it predates all known religions.
Just because someone doesn't believe in God doesn't make them an immoral or bad person.
I personally am atheist, and I can tell you I have better moral fiber than a lot of Christians I know.41 Reply- 24 d
You are absolutely correct 💯 . I've been to different church dominations and I meant the most rude hateful judgmental hypocrites in church. I received better treatment with people outside of the church.
2.2K opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. I think you have been brainwashed. I and all my friends are atheists. We're perfectly nice. We just don't waste our lives believing in Daddy in the sky. Don't you know that most of the people who created the technology that powers your device and this website were non-religious?
30 ReplyIf course they can. A person can lead a good, moral life, be as giving and helping as anyone else but the fact that they don't believe in a Divine Creator does not make them evil. I lead a life much link a christian, in that I believe in most of the 10 Commandments and believe they are a good way to live.
I consider myself an Atheist but am not in any respect, an 'evil man"
... well, I have coveted my neighbors wife 🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️😁
12 Reply- 28 d
@Melanie31 Well... maybe in retrospect, in 'private', I am or can be an 'evil man" ? LOL🤷♂️🤷♂️😂😂😂
- 21 d
But who gets to decide what is "good" what is bad?
In America the parents think they have a right to cut off, not give but cut off a good part of the baby girl and baby boy. A court in Michigan
Female genital mutilation
"It is the sense of the Congress that the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan erred"
punished female circumcision and equality for boys.
They think if they call it circumcision that is fine to cut off a good part of their baby
- 28 d
I mean, yes? Atheists just don't believe in God & Jesus. But they might believe in other things-such as ghosts, magic, etc. Choosing to not believe in God & Jesus doesn't make someone a bad person immediately. Atheists can choose to be good or bad people and have their own views on life.
11 Reply- 21 d
Bad in what way? Maybe they run soup kitchens?
I never saw an atheist run soup kitchen.
and no reason to expect them to help poor or homeless. Why would they?
In terms of god, imagine in court i yell "you are not a judge you are not real you are a delusion" called contempt court and punished.
- 1 mo
I don't know what you mean by "good person," but I think atheists can approximate most forms of morality that you care about.
That said, I think there is inherently an arrogance in atheism that is as peculiar as it is unnecessary. in my opinion it sometimes evinces a sort of deficiency in thinking or personality (but not always).
10 Reply 401 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. Atheism is just not taking religious people at their word - judging them instead by their deeds. Only the sort of religious person who wants to do bad things but call themselves good would consider that evil.
20 Reply- 28 d
Reason #1,445 why Christianity is a better religion.
Yes. While everyone is sinful, it's quite possible to be a "good" person regardless of your religious beliefs.
I'm a Christian, and I have known many Sikhs who were amazing people.
00 Reply - 29 d
Yes why not?
There are a lot atheists are good attitude and better personality than religious people, and so many pedophiles and perverts, corruptors are religious people.13 Reply- 21 d
Atheists are also pedophiles.
- 21 d
Or should i say pedophiles are atheist too.
- 21 d
Yes, why not. Because that’s the point, that beliefs have nothing to do with people’s morals and actions.
- 1 mo
My cousin, is an atheist, and she is a person who lies all the time, and she's so full of herself. I wouldn't call her a good person.
20 Reply I know some very moral atheists. They support orphanages, run soup kitchens and volunteer in old age homes.
But who wants to be the most moral person in Hell?10 ReplyI've met good people that are atheists, and evil people that are religious, so good appears to be the result of other factors.
20 Reply- u1 mo
religions capitalize on evil... often, with very similar results to it
30 Reply - 24 d
Yes absolutely. I meant so called church people they can be the worst most judgmental individuals.
11 Reply- 21 d
Aren't you with THIS being very judgmental? @Alwayreckles93
- 1 mo
Some of the worst terrorists are (or were) very religious.
It's kind of relative.
Where... an atheist who follows religious positive guidelines is at least half of a good person :)
12 Reply- 21 d
Not even good to people yet.
Maybe you and the other atheists who claim you are "good to people" can organize a soup kitchen for the homeless? @andreasderjuengere - 21 d
We are generalizing again?
I do follow Jesus.
Leave your village now and then; it widens your range of perception.
- 1 mo
Wtf. Atheism doesn't feed on anything, it's not a fucking parasite.
20 Reply - 1 mo
And fuck off. Tell that to The Vatican, who actively fuels child abuse still.22 Reply- 21 d
As if no pedophiles are atheist.
- 18 d
Of course some are.
- 1 mo
I'm an atheist and a better Christian than most church goers.
20 Reply Anyone can be a "good" person, regardless of their religious status.
Religion alone will not make you a better person. You can be as religious as you wish and still be evil af.
00 Reply- 1 mo
I don’t think it’s evil just because they don’t believe in god or a afterlife after you die is a little close minded though I feel.
20 Reply I do not think that belief or disbelief has any effect on human character. There are people who belong to any religion and commit shameful crimes
31 Reply- 21 d
But if they sin they were discouraged from sin. Nothinh discouraged atheists who ate criminals.
- 1 mo
of course atheists can be good people i know many good atheists
20 Reply - 22 d
Even according to kant, bad is harming so ayjiests are nad harming a fetus and promoted abortion.
Only the guidance of religion guides what is bad.
00 Reply - 29 d
There’s more shitty beings using religion as an excuse to be a bigoted, hypocritical piece of shit than the atheists and agnostics who get ridiculed from the same damn groups who do the bigoted, hypocritical bullshit rather it be in real life, or within the internet. Coming from an atheist myself
01 Reply- 29 d
And how the fuck do I feed off of evil? Religious psychosis got a lot of you christian’s in a chokehold, a lot of you guys are scared that people are becoming less religious over the years so you feel the need to find the quickest scapegoats to fill the void. You’re spewing a nothingburger. Do you think atheism is satanism? We don’t believe in the idea of a heaven or a hell. If you truly think that we would go to hell for a lack of belief, then so be it, probably sounds fun.
- Anonymous(25-29)28 d
In the strictest sense, I reject the idea of a "good person." However, I think you mean this colloquially, in which case yes: atheists can be the kind of people that pay their taxes and walk their dogs and donate to charity and feed the homeless.
00 Reply - 1 mo
It just means they sadly don’t believe yet. That doesn’t automatically mean they’re trying to hold believers down.
10 Reply 322 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. "I think it is not possible"
Just because your Imam said so? When he says eat poop or jump out of window you will do it?
00 Reply- 1 mo
Anyone can be an externally good person, but all are corrupt internally.
20 Reply i think so if he follows abrahamic morals and dont sin type stuff. but ofc he doesn't follow the faith itseld
10 ReplyYes they can religious people can be evil. There’s been people who harm in name of god. Like the crusades.
10 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)1 mo
I've met awful people who attended church and great people with no religion
20 Reply - 1 mo
nice so not only are you a fake account but you are also here to spread propaganda too.
10 Reply - 29 d
I don't know how you think this when did the atheists cause wars and be vile to people from different beliefs on mass scale?
10 Reply 518 opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. The Bible says good people won't make it to heaven, only people that obey God's laws.
00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)1 mo
Yes of course. Being religious doesn't necessarily make someone a good person...
10 Reply Atheism is the ABSENCE of God. Atheism does NOT equal Evil.
10 Reply- 6 d
yes; because of the good samaritan story; 🇷🇺🇬🇪🍞🍷☦️
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)1 mo
No. A person who does not believe in the Lord Jesus cannot be good.✝️✝️✝️✝️
24 Reply- 1 mo
Yeah a guy who said he came bearing a sword, and tear apart families is suuuuch an ethical person. If you need religion not to harm people or society than your a psychopath on a leash.
- 29 d
Yeah right..🙄 your religion is nothing but paganism but watered down to the masses. Good and bad is a natural morality
- 28 d
@localsapphire87 I have no religious beliefs is that so hard to comprehend for you? I believe all gods and the supernatural are man made concepts to psychologically deal with the unknown and the fear/pain of death, and as far as moral philosophy goes I'm a Negative Utilitarian. Are you so small minded in your religious beliefs that you don't understand that not everyone has a religion?
- 27 d
@Paradox316 Was I talking to you? Are you that illiterate you can’t see that I’m responding to the anonymous user who said this dumb shit? I swear people like you these days jump into conclusions and attack someone who wasn’t mentioning you in any other way
- Anonymous(36-45)14 d
Yes, atheists need no fear of religion to be good people.
As an atheist, I'm a highly moral person.
00 Reply - 1 mo
I've ALWAYS been a good person!
10 Reply - 1 mo
I think so. I am an atheist and a good person.
20 Reply - 1 mo
I'm an atheist and I think I'm a decent person
10 Reply - 1 mo
They sure can be.
30 Reply Who is good? Jesus said only the Father Is good.
10 ReplyYes like everybody else
20 Reply3.1K opinions shared on Religion & Spirituality topic. Of course they can, don't be retarded
00 ReplyYes
Better than a believer12 Reply- 25 d
Atheism is just communism.
10 Reply Yes, and Jesus Christ loves everyone ❤️
10 Reply- 29 d
I know a couple. They are great people.
00 Reply - 1 mo
of course
20 Reply Yes.
00 Reply- 24 d
yes they can
10 Reply - 1 mo
10 Reply - 28 d
00 Reply
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