My view on the bible

If you believe good is more powerful than evil you will be bound and controlled by good If you believe evil is more powerful than good...
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Grace is bigger than rules - A Christian post

I believe that you can fail Gods standard and still be a beautiful and lovable person and that God gave every new born baby inner beauty...
0 4

The Language of God - A God of all cultures post

In Christianity Jesus talks about the pharisees who decorate the tombs of the righteous and then say they are not like their fathers who...
0 6

My revised and updated view of 666 in the bible

To me the mark of the beast is the sinners judgment against sin It is the evil doers hatred for evil To worship the image of the beast...
0 2

10 Tips to help with keeping the Ten Commandments

The first rule: Trust the spiritual universe and not the material or social or sexual or physical universe to provide you with all your...
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This is something every Christian should know

In the bible Jesus said many would eat in the feast of God with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob But the sons of the kingdom would be cast...
2 3

How to get what you want from life

I have recently watched a video talking about law of attraction and how to use it. The saying ask and you shall receive is true but not...
0 5

Do you rely on dreams like sign posts?

I had a dream that I might make money with my book, but not enough to adopt 16 children and give them each the love and attention that...

How often do you pray?

When did you last pray? What time of the day usually? Who do you pray to?

Spiritually Dull, Christians?

I've become spiritually dull lately. It was a year a go I felt amazing, on fire in terms of feelings, emotions... and in a good way....
2 7

Which spiritual state do you think most Americans are in?

Please tell me what you think spiritually applies to most Americans! I think at least 85% of Americans are demon possessed and don't...
1 5

Wuts the point of viruses including the wretched corona?

I understand food chains... small plankton and such all the way to big whales web of life shit even mosquitoes have purpose but viruses?...
0 6

Would you take the gamble?

Would you rather live a thousand lifetimes with a slim chance at Paradise afterward or sell your soul for immortality and hold some...
3 7

Do you believe in ghosts?

1 6

Does Mitochondrial Eve hint towards Creation holding more plausibility than Evolutionary roots?

This is a representation of what Eve looked like of most probability. This was based on traced back DNA. Doctor Georgia Purdom was...
0 6

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