Why I think God pulled me out of my graduate school track

While in University, I learned to play the academic game and got top grades, even breaking records with my academic performance and...
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How I understand trust when it comes to God

The bible describes trust in many ways and I do not have time today to discuss them all but I will give you a very brief list Trust to...
1 1

One benefit I get from being religious

I’ve been a Christian for around 22 years and one thing I love about being a Christian is the churches I get to visit. These people are...
2 5

How I view the eye as a lamp of the body

In the bible Jesus says, Matthew 6:22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light....
1 1

Why the bible warns against being overly righteous or overly wise

Ecclesiastes 7:16 Says those who are overly righteous or overly wise destroy themselves So what does that mean? To me, being overly...
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Why the bible says you should not add insult to injury

The bible says you shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk, and the way I interpret that verse is, you should not add insult to...
3 4

Why you can help yourself by respecting weak people

In Psalms 41 of the bible, it says Psalm 41 1 Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers him in times of trouble. 2...
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Is this an omen or a test from God?

One of the countries we want to vacation at requires a visa and we had obstacles that forced us to make 4 trips out to prepare the...

IIs Jesus the son of god?

BENIs Jesus the son of God? Or is it meant in a figurative sense of spirituality?

What do you think about Pope Francis formally allowing Catholic priests to bless same-sex couples?

How do you feel about this step, which some consider radical and some consider not radical enough, for Pope Francis to allow Catholic...
15 39

What does the Bible say about relationships?

Do you know any bible verses for relationships? Could you please give some examples?

What do you think about the sati tradition in India?

The tradition of Sati is the burning of a dead man's body along with her wife in the religions of Hinduism. The woman who lost her...

What are your thoughts of Pope Francis giving his blessings to same sex couples?

First the Catholic priests are caught in a huge class action lawsuit for sodomizing hundreds of alter boys. And now the Pope approves...

Who is a greater god, Zeus or Allah?

I think Zeus is a greater god than Allah
1 8

Why are we calmed by conspiracies or plans rather than random chaos?

Seems to me chaos would be like a storm or something you can’t control. So it’d be more soothing than someone out to get you or you...
1 5

Do you believe ghosts of pets exist too?

About an hour away from my house there is a small alley and a couple people have claimed to be seen the ghost of a tall man in old...
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Are we supposed to think Pope Francis is a good guy?

1 8

Is the Quran the truth, or is it the Bible?

📖 Bible 📖 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6) 📖...
1 38

What is your religion?

I am Christian ✝️❤️
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