
Search Results: do guys get intimidated by other guys

Are girls actually intimidated by guys are who are deemed "unattractive"?

Most girls i interact with through school, part time job (cashier) & in general always avoid eye contact with me on purpose but not with everyone else They get "figidy" & nervous if we have to speak/interact with each...
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Girls, Do petite women ever feel intimidated by taller women?

I'm really tiny. I've always liked it. Being a woman it's fine. I was flirting with a guy who was flirting with me first. When I leave to go to the bathroom his girlfriend, who is as big as he is, gets in my face and...
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Girls-- GUYS ARE NOT "INTIMIDATED" BY YOU. Stop lying to yourselves if you want to help yourselves and no longer be single.

This shouldn't take too long. Something that I overheard at a bar last night was a lonnnnnnng conversation between a group of friends at the next table. One of the females was telling another female friend/coworker that...

Guys, why are you intimidated of a woman just because of her looks?

Many guys I've known seem to put attractive women on a pedestal but I have not known that to be the case for women towards good looking men. Men seem to think of she is decent looking, an not confident. Oh she is stuck up...
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Do girls reject guys they like/have a crush on?

There’s a girl that I’ve had the longest crush on in college. First time I locked eyes with her it felt different and amazing. Ever since then, anytime I see her on campus we pretty much eye f**k each other. I’m...
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No, Ladies, Men Are NOT Intimidated By Intelligence!

This topic has been floating around GAG recently and it both baffles and annoys me to see just how delusional some women are. We've all seen it before: girl goes on a date, gets rejected, then proceeds to list her...

Do pretty girls find handsome guys intimidating?

i know for a fact that i am quite intimidated by pretty girls, although over time i have learnt to block out that initiate fear and treat them like they are absolutely average person. And you always hear how the pretty...
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Why Guys Shouldn't Be Intimidated by Hot Girls

The rule seems to be the same wherever you go: The hotter the girl, the more intimidating she is to guys. This rule applies to just about every culture and really, it's almost like a universal truism at this point....

Guys always say I'm "quiet" and come off as reticent/ reserved... I don't think I'll ever find someone who will get me :( Why is it a bad thing?

I'm 21. I've always been quiet, since I was little. In preschool I sat in the corner and watched others play, laugh at them, or just observe. I never wanted to join. I honestly enjoy being alone and being quiet. My mind...
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Does any other woman no longer expect males to defend us and stand up for us wen we are verbally or phsyically abused?

I get verbally emotionally physically sexually harassed bullied and intimidated by many males at my job on regular basis. I can't stand up for myself. When i told them to stop they just do it even more so i dont even say...
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Why am I still so nervous around my boyfriend? It’s like I can’t get comfortable at all?

I’m a really shy girl, but it’s been like 3/4 months and I’m still intimidated by my boyfriend and not comfortable around him. Why am I still nervous around him? It’s like I can’t get any closer. He’s extremely...
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What are the differences between not interested behavior and shy behavior in guys?

I have been into this guy at work for sometime. He seems somewhat “girl shy”. For example the only people he talks to are other guys and significantly older/married women. He’s also not exactly the type of guy that...
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Why would a woman who is really attractive, get very little attention from guys?

Honestly i joined a site recently for making friends, and i have been talking to this girl who is beautiful and seems to have a really good personality, we added each other on facebook and have been chatting for about a...
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Guys don't really approach me anymore?

When I was a freshman in college, I got approached all the time. I had no idea how to talk to guys and literally had no experience whatsoever. I had no confidence in myself either. But now, I feel like I'm more confident...
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How to get out of a constant bad mood?

Shit has just not been working out for me. I’m sad 24/7. I’m also like high functioning and the only people who really know about it are my best friend and my sisters. Other than that I just feel kind of invisible. Like...
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Is men's enrollment in higher education declining as men are expected to earn money to get dates?

Leaning and getting proper degrees can pay higher on average with more social status than doing blue-collar jobs. I am not against any of those jobs, they do earn everything with hard work. However, more girls are getting...
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Why do guys assume beautiful women are all taken?

Some of them are single as guys are intimidated or assume they'll get shot down. If you never try how will you know? I've seen guys look at some women like their aliens, when there human too. You can say hi lol. Why is...
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Are girls really into fit gym guys?

so I went to the gym for the first time today and was slightly intimidated by some of the meatheads pumping iron, in the changing room I encountered a bloke bollock naked stretching in front of a mirror... I want to...
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What is your advice for someone who is new to the gym and feels timid/awkward around other men? Are there certain excercises I should start with?

Just went to the gym for the first time in 2 years yesterday. I wasn’t super into it but I feel like the potential is there if I find ways to make it work. I stayed for just over 30 minutes. I did fairly ok all things...
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Should he talk to my brother before we get into a relationship?

I've been talking to this guy, my brother's friend, one and off for like 10 years. We'll call him D. There's always something that comes up for why we haven't gotten together yet, but we've been talking again long...
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