
Search Results: apologize for bad sex


My Thoughts About Pickable; The Dating App

( Disclaimer : After reading the article, I saw a lot of generalization and I know people (women) hate that, so if you think you aren’t like that, then im not talking about you :) ) I apologize for the long...loooong...

A Compounded Love Affair

I joined the company in the month of May year 2005. After a tumultuous time at a BPO - where we learned that there are no nights to go home, only late evenings and then early morning. Food so pathetic that the taste...

Being Self Aware: Holding Yourself Accountable.

I wrote a myTake awhile ago titled " Men, You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. So what are you suppose to do? ". I got a varity of opinions on there and that includes ones that were negative. Some called my...

Why Men Simply See More Success Than Women

People before you go... Now before we go into this, its very important to understand that success is subjective. It means different things to different people. So before you slap the sexist tag on me, I entreat you to...

How Disney's Zootopia Relates to Issues in the Real World

So, Zootopia is one of my favorite movies so far in 2016. I absolutely loved it. As I was watching, I've noticed certain things that it was taking about below the surface, and how well it excuted them to fit into the...

The Complicated Adventures Of Z With Women (Chapter IV)

(Chapter IV: The Cop girl) This is Z’s most controversial adventure, since he doesn’t think highly of cops. But things evolved weirdly in this chapter. After a recent crime that has been occurred around his area, Z...

Millennial's: A super long essay on how Millennial's ruined the world.

You see the headlines all the time: “Millennial's are killing this”. It’s usually followed by a long rant about how millennial's are basically garbage humans. When I first started to see articles like this, I immediately...

How to Deal with Dance Floor Competition

This is part 2/Bro Code Volume 2 of my first article "How To Be a Go-Getter at the Bar." In that article I was discussing how to dance with a girl on the dance floor when out at a nightclub and went over "The Types" of...

Why I Disagree With Most of Feminist Ideology

On June 26th, 2014, my best friend began to date a Feminist – perhaps even a Feminazi. Moreover, after my long interactions with her, one could no longer ignore the nobility and irrationality of her crusade. Understand,...

Another step forward: From walking in the shadow of men to being equals

A women's rights article on G@G? I apologize to those in the comment section now. Between all the headlines of the pandemic, vaccines, and politics you may have missed some pretty historic moments in the continued march...

Masculinity and Femininity: The Ideal Man and Woman

I should mention a few things before I dive into this article. These are my opinions, based on my observations and conversations with people. When I say ideal, I mean nobody is perfect. I mean just being the best...

How to know when a man will never deliver, and what to do about it?

So of course (there are exceptions), but the principle of this take is, you want to prevent heartache. I'm writing this for all my girls.... I do however recognize some men will be upset because it will mess up there...

5 Beliefs That Will Make Wildly Successful But Also Amazingly Miserable

You Are Not Enough Running on this treadmill you think in your head " I am not enough" and every time you feel that pain, that sting, you push harder you fight stronger until you ran five miles when a month ago you...

Drinking Lemonade 🍋: Why It's Not Becky's Fault

Everyone is freaking out about who Becky could be in BeyoncĂ©'s "Lemonade" 🍋 and in reality it's not Becky's fault. She isn't the one that promised to remain faithful to her, to be true to her. Who knows what she was...

The Types of People You Will Meet On GaG

When you've been on GAG or the internet long enough, you are bound to meet these people in the comment party. Your Rock This is the Gagger who reads something you wrote and responds in a way that you swear they are an...

The Difference Between Having A Mental Health Issue And Attention Seeking

1) Someone With An Issue Won't Want To Tell Anyone Someone with depression, anxiety, or an eating disorder won't want anyone to know. They usually feel embarrassed, they don't want anyone to worry or they feel as though...

Why Putting in an Equal Amount of Effort is VITAL for a Good Relationship

So this should already be obvious to most people, but looking at my own relationship, it seems not everyone gets this idea. Me and my boyfriend first met when he was 12 and I was 14, but only recently got to know each...

Men & Their Appalling Behavior on Dating Sites

When it comes to dating sites and apps women have to take into account the experiences they'll have to deal with along the way. Any woman on a dating site has experienced at least one of these incidents if not all; the...

How stereotyping and socially acceptable prejudice negatively affects the Asian male

As I’ve mentioned before , the relations between the Asian-American communities and the liberals are strained. More and more Asians continue to abandon the liberal community because they realize that liberalism doesn’t...