
Search Results: broken heart quotes

The Best TV Characters

**Spoiler Alerts!** Unforgettable characters are one of the best parts of television. I haven't watched every show, but I've watched enough to pick out several characters I feel deserve some credit. Feel free to add your...

The 10 Biggest Mistakes and Reasons for Fights in Modern Relationships

Biggest mistakes in modern relationships 1. Bottling things up, having hard feelings and grudges whilst the other person has no idea. It is better to be rude and honest instead of faking you are happy and everything is...

Finding Love, and What I Think about Relationships!

This myTake is most probably going to turn into a personal rant that I am going to regret in the future. But these are just thoughts stewing and brewing in my mind and I needed to get them out, especially because I...

Who is Casanova?

I was thirsty for good music. The tune ringing in my ears for some time went something like this: "pinpin pin pi pinpin pin pi valentin valeni." I remember the tune from a film I watched a few days ago. The film's title...

How to Deal with Dance Floor Competition

This is part 2/Bro Code Volume 2 of my first article "How To Be a Go-Getter at the Bar." In that article I was discussing how to dance with a girl on the dance floor when out at a nightclub and went over "The Types" of...

Don't judge a book by its cover, give someone a chance!

Let me give you a story of my own in hopes to shed some light on the issue. I got it bad for my boss. A year ago, I would have thrown up at the notion. I mean, he literally looks like this: Lord Jesus if he ever finds...

My TOP 10 TV Shows of 2015

2015 was a great year for television, I've been waiting for a TV Show that could fulfil the emptiness in my heart after Breaking Bad ended. Sob. We'll miss you Walt. We really will. And I shall always be faithful to...

Why you must appreciate the negative in your life

You Must Take the Negative With the Positive! I think the positive in life goes hand in hand with the negative. People say they would go back in time to not meet someone, to not do something, simply because it had...

My experience: 15 major differences between Middle Eastern + North African men and Western Men

Before reading this MyTake I advise you to read these 7 disclaimers. Disclaimer 1: I'm talking about Middle Eastern and North African men from MENA and not those living /born in the west. This might not apply to...

Why it's so important for my generation to start speaking out about grooming I've just watched this video and even though i was groomed at 19. I can really relate and connect the signs of grooming as this girl in the video too....

Why you should be learning languages, not Maths

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart. ‒Nelson Mandela One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open...

My Take On The Ideal Woman

I think its unfair that society feels the need to divide people into the beautiful and the not so beautiful. Because society, if anything, is right only at face value. Good looks are something that many people assume are...

Cringe-Worthy Oscar Moments That Make Us Wonder: Can Women Handle The Pressure of Awards Shows?

With all of the hype surrounding the Oscars this evening, I figured it was only necessary to share a myTake of my own to celebrate this prestigious awards show. Rather than focusing on the typical topics of best dressed...

All About Women's Rights in Islam

Women's Rights in Islam The issue of women in Islam, is topic of great misunderstanding and distortion due partly to a lack of understanding, but also partly due to misbehavior of some Muslims which has been taken to...

12 Things Caribbean People Know All Too Well

Born and raised in this part of the earth and DAMN proud of it: Since, I moved recently, I miss there so much...especially the food. The food is awesome. Period. Anyway, let's get started. You knew DAMN well not to...

You've Been Scammed!

There are so many scammers out there waiting to take advantage of you and despite the warnings, people still fall for the same scams and most of the time, end up losing money over them or worse, their lives. 1. The...

Some Popular Tweets of 2017

Just some Tweets that were Popular in 2017, there are obviously millions of tweets that were popular and that I didn't include. Katy Perry becoming the first person to reach 100 million twitter followers.. to be honest,...

The Full Guide For Women (And Men) On How To Detect A Disloyal Partner

OK! So lets start first with the proper definition for "cheating", since most people think its just "physical". When it comes to romantic relationships, or any other edge of intimacy. The term "cheating" relates mostly to...

What an Emotional & Vunerable Mindset has Taught Me

Hello, it's Sherry, and why isn't this MyTake anonymous like my previous MyTakes? Because I wrote this, and I'm hella proud to share it regardless of anything :) Recently I had posted a MyTake about something that...

Why Chasing Girls Has Caused My Depression

DISCLAIMER: You are about to enter my mind and what I think about (other than school and such) on a daily basis. I ask that you be open-minded and imagine as if you were me (if that makes sense). I am not saying that...